Tag Archive for Attacked

Wor(l)d Global Network Websites Attacked By Cyber Criminals

According to a press release:
WOR(l)D Global Network has successfully defended the cyber-attack that hit the Company on December 7th, reopening our main websites and restoring the back office.
On December 7th, a cyber-command of professional hackers organized an attack on our server farm, targeting our firewalls with the intention of putting our servers out of service.
Our defenses promptly detected the offense and our engineers reacted quickly, taking back the control of the servers and the entire system in just a few minutes. However, more time has been necessary to recover and restore the server configurations to full service.
After the first analysis, we discovered there had been a brute force attack started a few days before, creating backbones, hidden viruses, and trojans which unlocked the firewalls and blocked the servers. As you can