Tag Archive for Asos Harsin

Validus Appoints Asos Harsin As VP Of Global Leadership

According to a Validus press release:
 Buckle up because Validus just made another power move that’s got the MLM world watching. With a bold stroke of brilliance, they’ve tapped Asos Harsin to take on the role of Vice President of Global Leadership. It’s an exciting development that’s sure to set the Validus network abuzz with excitement.
Validus has been a prominent player in the network marketing industry of late, and Asos’ appointment demonstrates its unwavering commitment to taking the company to the next level. With over 17 years of industry experience, Asos boasts an impressive track record as a veteran networker, leader and mentor.
He has built teams of tens of thousands strong across four continents, generating hundreds of millions in sales. As an accomplished entrepreneur with a diverse portfolio of companies in real estate, ESG, and personal development, Asos is ideally placed to provide Validus with a holistic perspective that bridges the gap between MLM and traditional business.
As the Vice President of Global Leadership, Asos will spearhead the company’s efforts to develop internal systems for the networker to nurture and nourish their leadership prowess.
Asos has personally recruited and mentored some of the industry’s most prominent and greatest names. His experience