Tag Archive for Arnold Trujillo

Network Marketing Professional Arnold Trujillo Joins Greenway Global

The power and communicative energy of this young man are added to a strength of mind and a desire to conquer the world. Arnold Trujillo is one of the young legends of Network Marketing and within Greenway Global, his action will be decisive in Latin America and throughout the world.
Arnold Trujillo, 33 years old, has managed to position himself as one of the most important leaders in Latin America. With 10 years of experience in Network Marketing, he created teams in more than 30 countries.
His passion, his determination and the nobility of his heart, allowed him to help thousands of people achieve their personal goals, travel the world. He helped 10 people a achieve 6 figures annual income which completely changed their lives.
He firmly believes in people’s development, and the Educational System he has been a key in his explosive growth. Arnold is a lover of travel, healthy lifestyle and helping and supporting people.
Today, as a result of his financial education, Arnold has been able to diversify his income and this generates consistency in the message he preaches.
Many MLM business owners consider him a great promise and a leader who wants to make positive changes in our industry, even


Arnold Trujillo, Líder de la Industria, se une a Greenway Global.

La fuerza y energía comunicativa de este joven se suman a una fortaleza mental y un deseo de conquistar el mundo. Arnold Trujillo es una de las jóvenes leyendas del Network Marketing y dentro de Greenway Global, su acción será decisiva en Latinoamérica y en todo el mundo.
Arnold Trujillo de 33 años, ha logrado posicionarse como uno de los Líderes más importantes de Latinoamérica. Con 10 años de experiencia en Network Marketing, creó equipos en más de 30 países.
Su pasión, su determinación y la nobleza de su corazón, le permitieron ayudar a miles de personas a alcanzar sus metas personales y viajar por el mundo. Ayudó a 10 personas a alcanzar ingresos anuales de 6 cifras que cambiaron completamente sus vidas.
Cree firmemente en el desarrollo de las personas y su Sistema Educativo ha sido clave en su explosivo crecimiento. Arnold es un amante de los viajes, de la vida sana y de ayudar y apoyar a la gente.
Hoy en día, como resultado de su educación financiera, Arnold ha sido capaz de diversificar sus ingresos y esto genera consistencia en el mensaje que predica.
Muchos dueños de negocios MLM lo consideran una gran promesa y un líder que quiere hacer cambios


Arnold Trujillo From Peru Achieves Diamond Director At Jeunesse

Jeunesse is proud to announce its latest Diamond Director Arnold Trujillo of Lima, Peru.
“We are proud to recognize Arnold as our newest Diamond Director,”
said Jeunesse Chief Visionary Officer Scott Lewis.
“His amazing work ethic, leadership skills, and passion for the industry have driven him to extraordinary success. We congratulate Arnold for reaching this impressive milestone and are confident he will continue to thrive while helping countless others achieve their goals.”
Before Arnold began his professional career as a Jeunesse Distributor, he was working as an Administration Technician, running his own small delivery business, and working with his father to provide taxi services.
All of that gave him valuable experience in business and people management, but he was working 16 hours a day and still not achieving his goals. So, when his brother and business mentor Marvin Trujillo, currently a Jeunesse Diamond Director, invited him to join Jeunesse, he did.
His entrepreneurial spirit thrived. In just three months, Arnold exceeded the ranks of most Jeunesse Distributors in Peru, and he set his eyes on developing a long-term strategy for success. Along with Marvin, he developed an educational system to teach everyone who starts a Jeunesse business the skills, product knowledge and business mentality needed