Tag Archive for Appoints Industry Veteran

ByDzyne Appoints Industry Veteran Keith Halls as Chairman to the Advisory Board

In its latest colossal move of 2023, ByDzyne is loading up on its in-house armory yet again with the arrival and introduction of network marketing guru Keith Halls as the company’s newest Chairman to the Advisory Board.
Halls, a savvy industry legend, boasts almost 40 years of invaluable experience in multi-level marketing and has held the most prestigious positions in previous companies, both on the executive and distributor levels. He has also personally been responsible for generating over $100 million in annual sales on numerous occasions, and has been commended by Business for Home as an “Ambassador of Network Marketing Professionals.”
ByDzyne’s executive team is elated with its newest addition and is looking forward to seeing Halls in action and bringing them to even greater heights.  
“Welcome to ByDzyne and our team, Keith Halls! You are an industry legend and we are so fortunate to have your wisdom, expertise, and guidance as we lead ByDzyne into a promising 2023.
Our company and its people are so thrilled to have you on board, and we cannot wait to see how you will elevate ByDzyne to the next level. You are a dear friend and an amazing mind, and we are so fortunate,”
shared Chanida