Tag Archive for APL GO

Michael Gonzales, Líder de la industria, se une a APL GO

Michael Gonzales de 28 años de edad, ha logrado posicionarse como uno de los líderes más importantes en Perú. Con más de 8 años de experiencia en Network Marketing, creó equipos en muchas ciudades de su país. 
Su pasión, su determinación y su perseverancia por salir adelante hizo que lograra un rango importante en su compañía e inspiró a muchos jóvenes a progresar. 
Es un fiel creyente en el sistema educativo que puede transformar a las personas y cambiar la mentalidad de la gente como lo hizo con el. 
Gracias a la industria del Network Marketing pudo conocer muchos países, ganar vacaciones, ganar un auto de alta gama, regalarle un departamento a sus padres. 
Michael no tiene miedo de ir tras sus sueños , muchas personas conocen su historia de trágico a mágico. 
Creció en medio de la pobreza donde vio la escasez en su infancia, a los 16 años se independizó y empezó a trabajar de mozo, tuvo un accidente el cual le enseñó a ser más fuerte, a los 18 años puso su primer negocio tradicional y fracasó a los 8 meses, a los 19 años conoció su primera compañía de MLM, en los primeros 4 años no tuvo un resultado grande, sin


Bienvenido Alejandro Altamirano a nueva casa APL GO

Alejandro Altamirano se ha destacado como uno de los líderes más prominentes del Network Marketing en Latinoamérica.
Con una firme determinación de ir más allá de los trabajos tradicionales, Alejandro emprendió su viaje en el Network Marketing, posicionándose actualmente como uno de los profesionales más influyentes de este sector en Perú.
En la actualidad, Alejandro es considerado como uno de los Networkers con más energía y ritmo de trabajo en la industria y es visto como una referencia no solo en Perú, sino en toda América Latina.
El equipo global de APLGO acoge con entusiasmo a Alejandro Altamirano, convencidos de que juntos pueden mejorar la vida de innumerables familias en Latinoamérica. Tiene todo nuestro respaldo.
Bienvenido Alejandro a tu nueva casa APL GO!
Acerca de APLGO
APLGO es una empresa de 11 años de antigüedad que comenzó su expansión en Estados Unidos, América Latina y Filipinas en los últimos dos años. APLGO cuenta con un producto de creación de categoría “Pastillas de ADN rápido” y un plan de compensación que paga el 63% del dólar.
Nuestro experimentado equipo corporativo está dedicado al éxito de nuestros asociados, liderado por el propietario Sergei Kulikov, un exitoso líder internacional de mercadeo en red. Nuestra oficina central consta de seis departamentos


APLGO Welcomes Svetlana Razina As Business Development Manager For APLGO USA

APLGO is pleased to announce that Svetlana Razina has joined the company as the new Business Development Manager, United States Region. In her new role with APLGO, Svetlana will lead business development and create programs and training to support the Associates in the United States.
“I’m so excited to be a part of APLGO, where I can utilize my abilities to grow an exciting company with a mission to improve the lives of people all over the world,”
said Svetlana.
Svetlana brings many years of experience to APLGO. She brings both a passion for the direct sales industry and extensive industry experience to her role. Her skills include organizational development and the ability to cultivate strong employee relations.
Prior to joining APLGO, Svetlana held managing positions in companies such as Amway, Jeunesse, Microsoft, and LVMH. She earned an MBA from Open British University and holds additional credentials in business and psychology. Svetlana enjoys spending time with her family and traveling in her spare time.
APLGO is a rapidly-growing international company offering all-natural products that enhance health and vitality. The mission of APLGO is to change people’s lives for the better. APLGO believes you deserve to be healthy and are committed to helping you achieve


APLGO Top Leaders Celebrate CEO Sergey Kulikov’s Birthday In Thailand

According to an APLGO press release:
What is the Golden People? This APLGO special event is held annually to celebrate the birthday of our President and Founder, Sergey Kulikov. Each year, a select group travels to a secret location to celebrate with the President in style.
This year, 30 company leaders arrived at the JW Marriott Hotel in Phuket, Thailand, eagerly anticipating the wonders to come. On the first night, guests raised a toast to Mr. Kulikov at the birthday dinner. Dancing, surprises and nonstop APLause filled the dining room during the festivities.
The second day dawned with even more wonders for the guests: elephants! Party goers enjoyed elephant rides, then swam with the majestic beasts. After a touching show, they were even kissed by a baby elephant.
By midday, everyone wondered what the next surprise would be – and they weren’t disappointed. The guests dined in a sea gypsy village. Then, they met more unique Thai animals – the crab-eating macaque.
Guests fed the macaques and learned more about Thailand’s wildlife. Throughout the trip, a funny and kind host named Mowgli led the tour. Everyone enjoyed his stories as he led them from one adventure to another.
APLGO Top Leaders
Just when guests thought it couldn’t


Steve Lerner Achieves National Director Rank At APLGO

Steve Lerner is no stranger to hard work. After successfully founding and running his first company in Israel, he sought new opportunities.
This led him to an APLGO meeting three years ago. First drawn to the NRM lozenge drops, Steve decided to use the products for six months and see what would happen.
The result surprised the veteran businessman and stated:
“I knew that if these products worked on me, they would work for others.
Since the product line is so diverse, there is something for everyone. I contacted my Sponsor, full of enthusiasm to distribute these products to more people.
Steve began sharing his experience with others. He soon built a team of like-minded people.
“My Sponsor invited me to her office and explained the compensation plan. I was amazed and intrigued. It turned out that the Company pays up to 63% to its Associates. I couldn’t believe the potential in this business.”
A short time after joining APLGO, Steve had the opportunity to meet with its president, Sergey Kulikov. After this meeting, Steve was fuelled with the determination to succeed. In just a few months, he achieved the status of Corporate Director.
Because Steve had worked in sales for over 25 years before joining APLGO,


Kauri And Jenny Thompson Achieve Ambassador Rank At APLGO

APLGO US, a global health and wellness company, announced today that Kauri and Jenny Thompson have achieved Ambassador status. The Thompsons are the second Associates to receive this rank in the U.S. and have been active with APLGO for just under two years.
The couple is, however, highly experienced in the network marketing industry. They began in the industry over 20 years ago and have served as corporate executives and in field leadership roles. Kauri has traveled extensively throughout Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, South East Asia and Latin America.
It was on one of these trips that he met APLGO Founder and President, Sergey Kulikov. Although initially skeptical of the company, Kauri and Jenny gave it a try – and were astounded by the generous compensation plan.
“When I received my first check, I thought it was too high – I mean, it was a third larger than I thought it should be,” said Kauri. “But the company said no, that is correct. Then I received my second check and the same thing happened! I realized that APLGO is a company that truly delivers on what it promises.”
In addition to the generous compensation plan, Kauri loves the fact that the products are


APLGO Appoints Yulia Fateeva As VP For South-East Asia

According to an APLGO press release:
One of the main directions of the Company’s development today is the development of Southeast Asia. It is one of the fastest growing regions in the direct sales segment.
APL feels the market need for an ambitious, courageous and, most importantly, generous Company and it is ready to provide Southeast Asia with an ocean of opportunities for making money and a healthy lifestyle.
Company President Sergey Kulikov is personally getting to know Leaders in the countries, arranging presentations, and delving into the specifics of the market to win the hearts of new Associates with lightning speed. The President has already appointed a strong leader in the region.
Yulia Fateeva became the Vice-President for Southeast Asia. Yulia has an MBA, confirmed by more than 15 years of experience in international companies.
She is an excellent crisis manager with the ability to build effective processes from the ground up. She virtuously creates and maintains an effective team. She is determined and ambitious to take the Company to the first positions of MLM market in Southeast Asia.
A pleasant surprise for Filipinos was the news that one of the most important events of the Company, “Summer Academy”, held on the principle of the


APLGO Takes 200 Leaders To A Red Sea Cruise To Celebrate 11 Th Anniversary

According to an APLGO press release:
This year APLGO celebrated its birthday aboard the cruise liner MSC Splendida but it didn’t take away from the enormity that the company is used to.
The anniversary, as well as the whole year of 2023 was devoted to the greatest round of APLause, which every partner of the company deserves.
The guests of the liner were stunned when they saw beautiful APLGO Associates in snow-white outfits shining with their smiles. 11 leaders told their unique success stories. Touching, heartfelt, inspiring.
Each story is a direct confirmation that Associates in APLGO deserve more than just a regular life. They deserve to live their destiny beautifully, healthy, traveling, earning, inspiring those around them.
Of course, APL PLANET is also about recognition. New members of each Company’s elite club, new qualified stars – all received awards, their moment of glory and great applause of like-minded people. Nina Shashukova, the newly found Platinum Ambassador, became the owner of an expensive Roger Dubuis Swiss watch with 48 diamonds.

The celebration’s culmination was the presentation of the “Golden Leaf” award. For APL Assoiates this award is akin to an Oscar. And the establishment of another beauty secret award came as a complete surprise. The statuette


Olga Kulikova – APLGO’s Queen Of Creativity

According to an APLGO press release:
APLGO Events are some of the most iconic in the Direct Sales space. With the 11th anniversary of APLGOvaround the corner, we want to introduce the person who usually stays behind the scenes.
Meet our event designer, creative director and editor-in-chief of APL Planet Magazine, MBA, Olga Kulikova. In an industry dominated by women, it’s refreshing to finally see a female executive who un-apologetically is changing the face of what events can be.
Olga Kulikova:

33 years old
Married mother of three
Master degree in PR, three higher education degrees
Loves her family, traveling, reading, and animals

While it’s impossible to overestimate Olga’s contribution to the development of APL, here are few notable highlights.

In 2021 APL celebrated its 10th anniversary. The main theme of the anniversary convention was Space. This three-day event included photo-zones and various themed artist. Convention attendees entered a large convention hall that was transformed to look the inside of a spaceship in flight.

At one point our distributors they felt as if they were weightless as APL President Sergey Kulikov took off from his seat with six animators without ropes, cables and safety nets.

8 hours of an exclusive space show
178 artists, 350 tons of decorations
286 production team members
30 special


APLGO Announces West Launch Convention

After an extended pre-launch due to Covid-19 pandemic, APLGO is pleased to announce its official West launch. Markets launching include the

South Korea and others.

“APLGO has not been dormant during the pandemic, we have hosted multiple events during the last 2 years including “Golden People Africa”, “APLGO Survivor Panama”, “Rise Regional Las Vegas”, “Triumph Eastern Europe” and others.
We have always found a way overcome challenges. We are a “Go” style company”
Stated Sergey Kulikov; APLGO President/CEO
The theme for the Launch Event ‘Unstoppable” will be held at the Cancun Mexico Marriott September 15-18th 2022, a beautiful all-inclusive resort featuring eight fabulous restaurants, spacious rooms, and beautiful views of the Caribbean Sea. The three-day event will include business training, product education, prizes and team-building activities, and much more.
“We wanted a resort location where our associates could relax and soak in the sun while getting valuable training that will help them be successful. Our goal is to always create memorable events that bring value to their businesses.”
Said Teresa Chavez; Director of Marketing
“APLGO is ready to take the big stage and we couldn’t be more excited. We are an eleven-year-old company new to the West and are just getting our name out there.
We feel