Tag Archive for Anna Mikchalisheva

Anna Mikchalisheva’s Journey: Turning a Dream into Reality with GOVVI

Anna Mikchalisheva, widely known as Anna Suarez, is a force to be reckoned with in the e-commerce world. As a single mother and successful entrepreneur, Anna’s journey with GOVVI has been one of remarkable growth, resilience, and inspiration. From her early days in network marketing to reaching the top ranks in GOVVI, Anna’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, vision, and community.
Reigning from Sweet Lake City in The Netherlands, Anna’s journey into network marketing was not a straightforward one. Before joining GOVVI, she worked tirelessly as a single mom in a restaurant, putting in 60 hours a week. Her first step into network marketing came in 2016 with Juice Plus+, where she quickly rose to one of the highest ranks. After taking a year-long break in 2022, Anna found herself drawn to GOVVI in 2023. “Meeting the CEO, Lance Conrad, in Rotterdam and hearing about the vision for GOVVI gave me the feeling of wanting to be part of this community and build success within it,” Anna recalls.
Why GOVVI? Inspiration:
For Anna, joining GOVVI was a decision that felt guided by the universe. “I faced a decision: to go back or to make GOVVI a success and go