Tag Archive for Amber DeLoof

Amber DeLoof Achieves Platinum 2 Elite 3 Rank At Modere

Platinum 2 Elite 3 Amber DeLoof, is no stranger to success in Network Marketing.
It’s given her the opportunity to work from home, be with her children, and help provide for the family.
But since she joined Modere, – a Triple A classified opportunity by Business For Home – Amber maxed out the compensation plan without being bogged down with meetings or parties. Working from home actually means working from home and for Amber, it’s made all the difference.
“I’ve always been blessed in this industry but Modere is different. I am even more present in lives of my children than ever before,”
Amber stated.
“Plus, when we joined the company, we were dealing adoption debt. Making minimum payments every month was tough.
It’s since been completely paid off! We travel with our kids more, we’re paying off more of our other debts quicker than before, and help numerous families bring their children home from China.”
Amber’s first real experience was with the products. She started by using the M3 System and even though she was a little skeptic, she was blown away by how effective the system was.
“It only took a few weeks before I was totally sold on the company,” Amber said. “M3 and