Tag Archive for AI

How AI enabled financial services and fintech are taking jobs

In 2017, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the business technology generating the most buzz, expectation and hype. It is also spawning many doom-laden predictions, e.g. it could be society’s last big invention, bringing about the end of jobs as we know them in industries such as financial services. The truth is that we are at
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How can AI really benefit your business?

A few years ago, Artificial Intelligence (AI) would be regarded with suspicion by many businesses, perhaps considered a fad which would deliver few benefits. Nowadays, it’s becoming increasingly mainstream, and is encoded into many applications without most of us realising, even the predictive keyboard on our Smartphones. This is just a glimpse of the potential
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UK consumers unaware that they use artificial intelligence daily

More than half (57 per cent) of UK consumers regularly use artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the home, with one in ten saying they use the self-learning technology all the time. Still, many consumers are unaware of AI’s influence at home and in the workplace. Nearly half of consumers (43 per cent) claim they never
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