Tag Archive for Ahmad Zen

Ahmad Zen Achieves Triple Diamond Rank In Earn.World

Ahmad Zen’s consistency and resilience have helped him achieve the prestigious rank of Triple Diamond at Earn.World, the fast growing company in the direct selling sector.
Ahmad, a 44-year-old seasoned network marketer who resides in the UAE but has Syrian roots, has always been hardworking and driven from an early age. Ahmad didn’t have a proper education, as he had to work since he was 11 years old to support his family in sales.
In 1997, he decided to move to the UAE in search of more opportunities and a better life. He moved to the UAE at the age of 18 and worked in the hospitality and banking sector for ten years.
The Syrian leader joined the network marketing industry in 2009 and has been in the field for 15 years. He has evolved into a motivational speaker throughout the years.
Ahmad chose network marketing because it’s an industry that can help people, poor or average, grow and achieve what they truly desire. With his experience as a motivational speaker, he discovered that many people were not comfortable with their financial conditions; therefore, he saw an opportunity to assist them so they would be able to have the life they wanted. Instead of