Tag Archive for Achieves Elite 1

Sheel Patel Joins Modere, Achieves Elite 1

Sheel Patel knows that great leaders don’t wait for things to happen. From the way he was raised (by parents who came to America to give him more opportunities), to choosing the best career path for his future, Sheel has always kept an eye out for opportunities to make things happen for himself. That’s what first attracted him to network marketing.  
“I only made $5,000 my first year in network marketing,” said Sheel. “It got better the next year and the year after that. Whether I made $5 or $5 million, I’ve learned it’s all about depth of vision. You have to be able to see the unseen before it’s done.”
For Sheel Patel, that depth of vision starts with the power of two. As he puts it, “The power of two is