Tag Archive for About Business For Home

Business For Home – What We Do

The Business For Home.org website is an initiative of Ted Nuyten, CEO and Chairman of the Business For Home Foundation, which is established in the Netherlands under Dutch law and Dini Noorlander, acting as Chief Relations Officer.
Per year, the website receives an estimated 3.5 – 4 million unique visitors from all over the world with the majority being Network Marketing professionals with approximately 25% visiting the website looking for a new or additional opportunities.
Approximately three times a week a mailing is distributed to 54,000+ worldwide double opt-in subscribers.
Additionally, articles are shared through the Business For Home Facebook Business Page which is currently at 40,000+ likes, Twitter and LinkedIn.
On average the website is serving 12,000 – 15,000+ visitors per day, with all time daily highs of 70,000 visitors when “Breaking News” occurs or Poll voting takes place.
The majority of the articles are positive. However, at times, law suits and controversial news is published as well.

We concentrate on Direct Selling facts and figures, therefore some people call Ted Nuyten “The Score Keeper For The Direct Selling Industry”.

The website runs on scalable virtual servers. The objective of the website is to show the “outside” world, Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM is