Tag Archive for 2 Star Ambassador

Visaus’ Molly Dalbec Discusses Making Healthy Family A Priority

Before Vi, Molly and Chris Dalbec were new parents. Molly had always been athletic, but between late night feedings and adjusting to her new role, she lost sight of self-care.
She opted for quick and easy food choices for months before exhaustion and malnourishment kicked in. After consulting with a local nutritionist, Molly realized she needed to make some major changes to her diet—and lifestyle.
She was at a crossroads. Weighing the pros and cons of being a stay-at-home-mom versus returning to her career field as a medical assistant, Molly found the daycare costs compared to what she would be taking home if she went back to work simply weren’t worth the time she would be missing with her young son.

“The good news was I knew about the income potential of running a