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QNET Hails Move To Amend Laws That Regulate Direct Selling

Welcoming the Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s announcement about proposed amendment to the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978, direct selling company QNET lauded the forthcoming clarifications and called for setting up a regulator to monitor the business.
Jaitley said in his budget speech: “As part of the legislative initiatives under financial sector reforms, it is proposed to bridge the regulatory gap under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978.”
“This step is expected to facilitate effective regulation of companies and entities which have duped a large number of poor and vulnerable people in this country,” Jaitey said.
Appreciating the initiative Zaheer Merchant of QNET’s Corporate Affairs, said that the direct selling business, unfortunately, was being clubbed under the Prize Chits Act due to certain misconceptions.
“The amended Act will hopefully take care of this, clarify the differences and encourage genuine direct selling as opposed to other forms of schemes,” Mr Merchant said.
Direct selling, he said, generates employment, encourages self employment, cuts down marketing and promotional expenses, apart from contributing to the exchequer. The need of the hour, therefore, is to formulate clear cut laws to govern the MLM and direct selling industry in India.
Merchant pointed out that other fast growing economies such as


Visalus’ Adam Franklin Shares His Inspiring Story

Living in Ona, West Virginia today, Adam Franklin has always been a determined person. At 33 and having sustained severe injuries overseas, he is now a retired veteran.
After serving two terms in Afghanistan and Iraq, and too many airborn jumps, Adam endured reconstructive shoulder surgery, major hip surgery, five ruptured discs in his back, ankle and knee injuries. By 2003, he was in full traction.
When the news came that he’d probably never walk again, Adam didn’t take it well.
“I was given a second chance to live my life to the fullest,” he says. “I had so many friends who weren’t given this chance and will never get to… It’d be doing them a disservice to just give up.”
So Adam pushed himself as hard as he could, day after day. In time, he graduated from wheel chair to a walker. Then from crutches to a cane. By 2006, he was walking again with nothing supporting him but his own two legs.
Now living a mobile life, Adam was determined to take off the weight he’d put on by being sedentary for so long.
He tried a popular weight-loss platform but found it lacked the supportive community he needed. When he was first introduced