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Hedi Khezrzadeh – Lessons From ALS Ice Bucket Challenge For Network Marketers

Hedi Khezrzadeh from the Middle east is Medical Doctor, Top Earner and Trainer in Network Marketing, is followed by 8,000+ Facebook fans, and shares the lessons that can be learned from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for Network Marketers.

It worked because it’s “Referral” marketing, because you ask people who you have influenced to donate or to dump a bucket of ice water on their head. 


Seth Godin says, “The ideas that spread, win”. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is not the leading cause of death in the world, it’s responsible for 2 out of 100,000 deaths every year and as many as 30,000 Americans have the disease at any given time. Malaria has been responsible for an estimated 627,000 deaths in 2012 and 207 million affected cases. Bill Gates has been advocating the awareness for Malaria for many years and has many videos, but the #ICEBUCKETCHALLENGE has been more effective because the way the information is being spread has been remarkable. Now people deal with an average priority illness as urgent because the way we have been spreading the idea has been nothing short of remarkable.


People want to be seen, they want to LEAD, they want to take part in a movement, they want to be different, that is why a lot of people try to


Sheila Medina – Plexus Slim Top Earner Interview

Sheila Medina is Diamond Ambassador, the Top Rank in Plexus Worldwide compensation plan. Sheila is married to Ray Medina and lives in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA.
A Diamond Ambassador has personally sponsored and maintain 7 Qualified Ambassadors and have a minimum of 4,500 points in the organization, with 1,125 of those points coming outside of the primary leg. Sheila has a team of over 5,000 active team members all across the USA and Canada. The Plexus Convention 2014 in Dallas draw 8,000 distributors.
Plexus Worldwide, got its start eight years ago in Scottsdale, Arizona, and has since expanded into Canada and Australia. With a strong focus on weight-loss and pain-relief products, The direct seller generated 16,458 percent growth over three years, closing out 2013 with $159.8 million in revenue.
Sheila, how did you got into the Direct Selling industry, who invited you?
In 1996, married with two children, I decided it was time take control of my life. I was successful out in the corporate world but I had no time for myself or my family, so I joined a direct selling company and had 15 years of success.
In 2008 I became an ambassador with Plexus Worldwide when they were just a breast health


Australia Sues Lyoness With Pyramid Allegations

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has instituted proceedings against Lyoness International AG, Lyoness Asia Limited, Lyoness UK Limited and Lyoness Australia Pty Limited (together ‘Lyoness’) for operating a pyramid selling scheme and engaging in referral selling.
Although Lyoness has been investigated by regulators for conduct in other countries, this is the first court action taken against Lyoness alleging that the Lyoness Loyalty Program constitutes a pyramid scheme.
Pyramid schemes involve new participants providing a financial or other benefit to other existing participants in the scheme.  New participants are induced to join substantially by the prospect that they will be entitled to benefits relating to the recruitment of further new participants. Pyramid schemes may also offer products or services, but making money out of recruitment is their main aim, and often the only way for a member to recover any money is to convince other people to join up.  In contrast, people in legitimate multi-level marketing schemes earn money by selling genuine products to consumers, not from the recruiting process.
The ACCC alleges that Lyoness has operated the scheme in Australia from mid-2011 and that it continues to operate the scheme. The scheme offers ‘cash back’ rebates to members who shop through