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Ángel Ortega Is Xango’s Newest 200k Premier Select, Celebrating In Mexico City

Xango recently hosted their annual convention in Mexico City, Mexico and celebrated their newest 200k Premier Select, a top ranking level in Xango.
Angel Ortega, 200k Premier Select, was among many others celebrated at “Dream 2014″, including  100K Premier Select Raúl Villegas, 100K Premier Select Circe Rodríguez, 500K Premier Select Estela Salinas, XANGO VP and General Manager of  the Hispanic and Latin American markets David García, and of course the presence of XANGO founders and board members Kent Wood, Joe Morton, Gordon Morton, and CEO & Board Chairman Aaron Garrity.
The meeting covered important leadership topics, business tools, focus and entrepreneurship. One of the big surprises was Aaron’s global premiering of XANGO Rush as the theme for next year’s international convention. We closed the day with a spectacular leadership dinner, an opportunity for mingling with these most committed leaders, special guests and the XANGO founders.
Day 2, at the impressive Arena Ciudad de México, brought early-morning lines of Distributors, Customers and guests, all anticipating the training and inspiration of DREAM 2014. In a great show of strength and unity, all attending Premiers filled the stage to welcome the crowd of more than 10,000.
The weekend included: Workshops and training from leadership and financial-planning experts Alfredo Culebro and Blair Singer, inspiring stories of strength and


Trévo CEO to Travel to Côte d’Ivoire

Trévo President and CEO, Mark Stevens, will be on the move, yet again, in the upcoming month of September. He will begin his travels on the second of the month venturing to Côte d’Ivoire, one of Trévo’s recent country openings. His visit includes meeting with the Trévo Côte d’Ivoire team for training, hosting an opportunity specialized training for potential and current Life and Health Coaches and last, but not least, working on opening a new office in the country that has only been on Trévo’s radar for a couple of months.
Trévo Côte d’Ivoire’s singular office has been in business for the past four months and its growth has astounded everyone in the industry. Its leadership by Country Director Ben James Nwokocha has been nothing but amazing and its ranked leaders have done a fabulous job at spreading the word by hosting seminars and meetings and introducing new people to Trévo Côte d’Ivoire. Due to its success, Trévo is working on opening a second office in the near future which will make it one of the fastest expansions experienced in a country for Trévo.
Current Life and Health Coaches benefit greatly from bringing people to see Stevens present because it shows them