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Trévo Recognizes August Rank Advancement Leaders

As Trévo continues its global expansion more and more people are enjoying the fruits of its recognition program. During just the month of August, six people qualified to receive Trévo’s Car Bonus Program and hundreds of people received thousands of dollars in pool bonuses through Trévo’s Pool Bonus Program.
In all, during August, 165 people advanced in the Leader level of Trévo’s recognition program; 50 attained the Director level; and 12 moved up to the elite level of Executive.
The Trévo recognition program, which is directly tied to its generous compensation program, is a driving factor in the company’s skyrocketing growth and success around the globe. “Recognizing the achievements of our Life and Health Coaches is something that we love to do,” CEO Mark Stevens said. “Each achievement is an important milestone in their journey toward the greatness for which they were created and we celebrate that.”
Stevens goes on to say, “It is truly a joy to be a part of empowering the lives of Trévo’s global family. For each person whose life Trévo changes there is an opportunity to create a legacy of prosperity, purpose and wellness within their family, their community and their country. That legacy of making the world a


Who Are The Next Millionaires?


After the crash of 2001, many people felt they missed their chance to be part of the boom of the 1990s. Yet, in the four years following 9/11, U.S. household wealth has increased by an incredible $8 trillion to $48 trillion—an additional 20 percent! As of this writing, census figures are not yet compiled to verify this figure, but I would project conservatively that in the same period, we added at least another one million new millionaires.
And that millionaire population explosion is still happening.
Today, the U.S. and the world economy look almost identical to how they looked in 1991, except that there are more opportunities for entrepreneurs due to recent changes in taxation and technology. Based on this history and current conditions, I forecast that U.S. household wealth will again double to $100 trillion by 2016—and that over the same ten years, the exploding U.S. economy will create at least ten million new millionaires.
For those of you in the direct selling industry, this is incredibly good news. Why? Because a significant, good number of those new ten million millionaires are the people who are entering your businesses at this very moment.

American economist and NY Times best-selling author, Paul Zane Pilzer, shares these words


Thomas Nordlund – Sitetalk & Unaico Field Leader Passed Away

Thomas Nordlund was one of the major field leaders in Site Talk – Unaico – OPN and the majortiy of the members has been in his team.
In the Top MLM Networker Poll 2013 he ended on the first place together with his son Kenny Nordlund with 20,000+ votes.
Sitetalk management stated in 2012:
“During the past years we have had enormous help from Kenny and Thomas Nordlund in their roles as Network Directors.
This has, however, come at the expense of other areas, and we are now pleased to announce that these areas will again be the focus of the company.
The amount of hours Kenny and Thomas have put into their roles as network directors cannot be calculated, but we do know that very few people would have been able to do it.
Thomas and Kenny will both take a step back from the management of the company in order to truly focus on the building of the network. They have requested this change for a while, and we have now agreed that they will do more in the next phase of the company in their new roles. It is very important that everyone understands how relevant they are for the company


Avon Continues To Struggle After CFO Resigns

Avon’s stock is falling Tuesday after its chief financial officer resigned to take a CFO job in another industry.
Late Monday Avon Products Inc., which has struggled to turn around its business, said that Kimberly Ross’ resignation is effective on Oct. 2. Avon’s vice president and corporate controller, Robert Loughran, will be interim CFO while the New York company searches for a permanent replacement.
Avon is the world’s biggest direct seller of cosmetics, but its sales have been steadily declining. The company has reduced costs, cut thousands of jobs and left unprofitable markets to try to improve its business.
Ross, who joined Avon in 2011, leaves big shoes to fill, said Wendy Nicholson of Citi Investment Research in a client note. Ross helped sell jewelry company Silpada, exit weak markets and refinance the balance sheet, Nicholson said. But Avon still has a lot of work to do in its turnaround plan, she said, and that’s a problem as it may take a while to hire a new CFO.

“Avon’s overhead costs seem still way too high, its internal controls/systems are still weak, its cash flow is still depressed and too many markets are still in disarray,” she wrote.

The analyst cut Avon’s rating to “Neutral”