Hot Business News Today

ACN’s Cleveland Event Generates Millions For Host City

ACN Inc, the world’s largest direct seller of telecommunications, energy and other essential services hosted its International Training Event in Cleveland, Ohio, September 12-14. This event drew thousands of Independent Business Owners from many of the company’s 24 countries for three days of training, motivation and networking opportunities.
But this event left an even greater impact on the city of Cleveland and surrounding areas.  With hotels and restaurants packed, city officials estimate ACN’s events bring millions into the local economy in just three days time.  And while impacting the local economy is certainly icing on the cake for this company, it’s the children and the clown that are the heart and soul of ACN.
During the Cleveland Event, and at each of ACN’s events worldwide, the company collects donations for the local chapter of the Ronald McDonald House and then matches those donations dollar for dollar, presenting a check at the close of the event.
“At ACN, giving back is all part of who we are – it’s in our DNA,” said ACN Chairman and Co-Founder Robert Stevanovski  “We believe that we have a corporate responsibility to leave these communities a little better off than when we arrived.”
On Sunday, September 14, just as


ASEA’s Mexico Grand Opening Tour Set To Launch

September 24 marks ASEA’s “Meet ASEA” grand opening event in Mexico City, MX. ASEA is the manufacturer of the world’s first and only redox signaling molecule drink and the skin care product, RENU28.
The Mexico City grand opening event features renowned speakers Dr. Gary Samuelson, Regional Vice President Duvan Botero, and ASEA Field Leader Shawn Catmull from Draper, UT.
Dr. Gary L. Samuelson holds a PhD in Atomic/Medical Physics from the University of Utah and devotes his career and knowledge to the advancement of promising technologies addressing the major health issues facing us today. He works as an independent science consultant to a variety of companies in the health science industry.
Duvan Botero has over ten years of experience as a director of sales with large multi-national companies.
Shawn Catmull is an international business builder with over twenty years experience.
Aside from Mexico City, other Grand Opening events will also be held in Mexicali, Baja on September 18; Colima, Mexico on September 20; and La Paz, Mexico on September 22.
About ASEA
ASEA, LLC which launched in late 2010, manufactures the world’s first and only Redox Signaling supplement. These Redox Signaling Molecules in ASEA support the vital activity of cellular repair and replacement that are necessary for