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QNET Will Not Exit India

Global Direct Selling Company Qnet Ltd. will not pull out from India, said the founder and executive chairman of the QI Group of Companies Vijay Eswaran.
Attributing the group’s decision to stay on to “a wave of good feelings” towards business in India with the recent change of government there, he said India still remains a logical target market for the group.
Hong Kong-based QI Group is a conglomerate whose flagship company, QNET, is in the business of Direct Selling in several countries across the globe.
The Times of India, in a series of articles in 2013, had reported that QNET India was being probed for allegedly duping thousands of investors by selling them plastic and glass products that it claimed could cure diseases like cancer. According to the report, the probe came about after someone filed a First Information Report (FIR) against the company at the Economic Offences Wing of the Police Department in Mumbai. Five people, including Eswaran were reportedly named in the FIR, the report said, adding that arrests were expected soon.
In an interview with The Edge Weekly, Eswaran denied the fraud allegations, dismissing them as indicative of corruption and poor journalistic standards in India, adding that the group would


ASEA With A New Celebrity Endorsement

Associates in Australia and New Zealand will have some high profile help in advancing the ASEA brand and Renu 28, in particular.
Australian media personality, Sally Obermeder, and international skincare expert and Australian native, Ingrid Seaburn, are partnering with ASEA to endorse and promote the powerful benefits of Renu 28, featuring first-to-market Redox Signaling technology.
This dynamic duo will appear at ASEA-sponsored events, at media events and will also be featured prominently on the Australian and New Zealand web sites and in market-specific marketing materials. Noah Westerlund, ASEA Vice President of Marketing, says that these two well-respected personalities’ endorsement will offer a huge boon to Associates’ grass-roots marketing efforts.

“These two women aren’t just celebrities,” observed Noah. “They are successful business women whose opinions and experiences are highly respected among the demographic of consumers who will be buying and using Renu 28. We are confident that Associates will reap significant credibility as a result of this partnership.”

Noah says that Sally is the co-host of Australia’s Channel 7 afternoon news, a broadcast that is seen country-wide. As a breast cancer survivor who has undergone the rigors of chemotherapy, Sally says she is extremely selective about what she puts on her skin.  She uses RENU


Avon Makes List Of 100 Best Companies For Working Mothers

Working Mother magazine named Avon Products, Inc. as one of the 2014 Working Mother 100 Best Companies for outstanding leadership in establishing policies, programs and corporate culture that supports working moms, including child care, flexible work arrangements, paid parental leave and advancement of women.  Companies are also measured on access to and usage of   family friendly programs.  

“At Avon, we’re committed to giving all of our Associates, including our working parents, the support and flexibility they need to succeed,” said Sheri McCoy, Chief Executive Officer of Avon Products, Inc.  
“As a working parent myself, I know first-hand the balancing act that’s required to have a successful family and professional life.” 

Carol Evans, president, Working Mother Media said, “The Working Mother 100 Best Companies are the leaders in the advancement of women by supporting their need to integrate family and work successfully. We are thrilled to honor the U.S. companies that put words into action and build family-friendly cultures on the foundation of thoughtful policies and effective programs.
Women now make up 50% of our workforce.  We need to make sure they have the support to be outstanding moms as well as great employees.”
Jennifer Owens, editorial director of Working Mother Media, noted, “In its