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SEC Alleges Zhunrize To Be A Pyramid Scheme – Assets Frozen

Zhunrize, launched in 2013 is a shopping and savings portal and offers affiliates a replicated storefront, which the company has branded “ZhunCity”. The shopping portal starts at $99 and $30 a month,  up to $3,000 and $100 a month.
According to a SEC Press release:
“On September 22, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil injunctive action in the Northern District of Georgia against Zhunrize, Inc. (“Zhunrize”) and its CEO, Jeff Pan (“Pan”). In connection with the filing of this action, the Commission obtained a temporary restraining order against the defendants and an order freezing all of defendants’ assets.
The Commission alleges that Zhunrize, an Atlanta-based multi-level marketing company, and Pan have been operating a fraudulent pyramid scheme that has raised over $100 million from investors worldwide.
According to the Commission’s complaint, Zhunrize purports to be a legitimate multi-level marketing business by which members purchase online stores and then sell merchandise through them, while earning commissions on products purchased by their customers and through store sales to other members and hosting fees paid by those members.
In fact, the company is operating as a pyramid scheme because its commission structure is based on the continual recruitment of new members, with the


David Moses – A Top Earner Personal Setback Story

David Moses is a million dollar earner, master distributor and is the company’s first Crown Diamond Elite. In below generic video he shares his personal experinience on a major set back in his career, as he lost a very large team in the past.
He has achieved number one status in every company since his career began, including holding senior executive positions for several large Network Marketing companies. David is married and has 2 children, the family resides in Toronto, Canada.
David says:
“Every challenge, every disappointment, every setback, has within it a seed for success.
The difference between those who will achieve high level success in Network Marketing or for that matter anything in life is how they process and interpret challenges.
It’s been said sometimes we win and sometimes we learn.  Every experience gives us context and depth such that we can share stories and empower others to overcome all obstacles on the way to success.
Every person who is at the top of their game in Network Marketing has surely navigated challenges and setbacks they have used those experiences as stepping stones to the next success to rise to the next level.  When we study the bio of success and


Paulo and Denise Cosiello – WOR(l)D Global Network Hit $125,000 Per Month

Paulo and Denise Cosiello from São Paulo, Brazil, have hit the $125,000 per month mark with their WOR(l)D Global Network independant distributorship.
The company is in 5 of the industries active, Direct sales, Mobile Technology, Mobile Advertising, Video and VoIP Communications Renewable Energy.
WOR(l)D Global Network is a public company, headquartered in London and is in the process of become publicly listed in the UK.
Paulo stated:
“Ever since I was a child, I I have dreamt a work that would let me know the world.I have worked ever since my earliest youth and after a while I have decided to apply myself to trade investing all my energies, effort and money in to this field.
I have spent time and resources starting several business without any success and believed that I would not be able to realise my dream of being an ordinary and successful  business man. Then one day I have become familiar with direct sales. After working for seven years in this field, I finally know what the word success means because I have got so much of it!
During the past three years,  me and my wife, Denise Cosiello, have understood the power of the network and the big


Talk Fusion’s Cedric Penn Achieves Grand Blue Diamond

After a non-stop World Tour this summer, spreading motivation and inspiration at Talk Fusion events in Russia, Japan, and Indonesia, Cedric Penn has reached an esteemed rank that many have sought after: Grand Blue Diamond.
It was almost 5 months to the day since he joined Talk Fusion that Cedric’s new rank became official.
Talk Fusion announced on April 15, 2014 that relationship marketing trailblazer Cedric Penn had become an important part of Talk Fusion’s global team of Associates. It didn’t take long for him to – as he is known to say – “get rolling.”
His exuberant, motivational style proved a perfect match with Talk Fusion’s vision, and Cedric began to climb the ranks even as he spread his inspiration among a growing fan base of Talk Fusion Associates eager to embrace Cedric’s love of life and the industry.
Only 40 days later, Cedric had already ascended to the rank of Diamond. Cedric then climbed an additional three ranks in just two days; a total of four ranks in less than a week, and he was just getting started.
Just days before reaching his new rank of Grand Blue Diamond, Cedric was taking a moment to celebrate his success with the purchase of a


Visalus Celebrates Newest $100K Lifetime Earner; Lisa Panton

Visalus UK announced recently that Ambassador Lisa Panton has hit over $100,000 in personal earnings with Vi.*
Lisa threw herself into the Vi-Life, helping 25 Promoters on her team achieve the rank of Regional Director, which also qualified them as Bimmer Club members.
However, Lisa didn’t stop there. In just 14 months, she smashed the $100,000 mark and generated over $1.2 million (over £800,000) in 2014 sales alone. 
With a strong team of 500 Rising Stars behind her, 2015 will be another great year for Lisa and her team.

“It still blows my mind what we have been able to achieve as a team in such a short time. All of the credit goes to them,” said Lisa, adding, “I want to thank them all for going out there and making a difference in the lives of others, and for following their own dreams. With new Vi innovations, new products and new countries launching, I am incredibly excited about the future of Vi.”

* Results not typical. Achievement in rank depends upon many factors such as hard work, determination, financial resources and social contacts.


4Life Partners with Direct Selling College Program

4Life has partnered with the Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF), the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship, and the Salt Lake Community College to introduce a new program.
The Direct Selling Entrepreneur Program is a 30-hour noncredit course presented by the Salt Lake Community College’s division of Continuing Education. The class is designed to educate students on the benefits of direct selling as a part-time business and full-time career.
Vice President of Communications Calvin Jolley: “4Life’s executive team is pleased to partner with the Salt Lake Community College’s first-ever course on entrepreneurship and direct selling. 4Life President and CEO Steve Tew values the integral role that education can play in the DSA’s broader strategic initiatives. A continuing education course designed to introduce students to the fundamentals gives all of us a great grassroots opportunity, not only for teaching, but also the opportunity to generate positive media that results from these kinds of collaborative efforts among industry associations and competitors.”
In 2013, the direct selling industry generated approximately $32.7 billion in U.S. sales and $6.6 billion in federal, state, and local taxes. Whereas only 13.8% of U.S. households have a direct seller in residence, more than 70% of the American public has purchased goods


Vemma Named Arizona’s Fastest Growing Private Company

Arizona’s Corporate Excellence Awards (ACE) named Vemma® the “Fastest Growing Private Company in Arizona” and the “15th Largest Private Company” at an awards ceremony held at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts on September 18, 2014.
Representatives from various private companies attended the exclusive, invitation-only event, including Founder and CEO BK Boreyko and Founder Karen Boreyko. Vemma was among the 50 privately held companies in Arizona that showed substantial stability and financial strength, and topped the list of 25 fastest growing companies based on the past two years’ revenue.

BK commented, “As we approach our 10th year of business, it is an honor to have reached this milestone of success and accomplishment. There are so many companies here in the Valley making a difference. Any one of them could have been here in my place. I’m glad that I’m making the Valley proud, and I am grateful to the thousands of Vemma Affiliates and Home Office employees that have made this success possible.”

Vemma extended a special thank you to the Affiliates working so hard to build their own businesses and educate people across the world on the benefits of liquid nutrition. This success is due in large part to


Limu Adds New Pin Levels With Cash Bonuses, Enhancing Compensation Plan

THREE brand new pin ranks were just announced at LIMU LIVE! Fort Worth. That means three new cash bonuses to reward their distributors at additional milestones on their journey to success. The new levels include;
• 300K with $30,000 cash bonus
• 750K with $120,000 cash bonus
• 2M with $250,000 cash bonus
One-time cash bonuses are not the only thing that LIMU added but added monthly cash bonuses as well. Effective immediately, distributors can now score a Lifetime Cash Bonus — a new enhancement to the LIMU Prosperity Plan. LIMU is a trendsetter, the first in the industry to offer this kind of game-changing residual bonus — another unprecedented perk of the LIMU Experience.
Starting at the 500K rank, distributors can get rewarded in depth. Earn up to 1% of their total qualifying sales volume ON TOP OF regular commissions.
The Limu Company was founded by Gary Raser (CEO) in 2004, one of the most established and successful businessmen in the industry.
The executive team holds more than 125 combined years of successful experience and the weekend that LIMU opened it’s doors, over 9,000 applications poured into the office’s fax machine in just two days time.
LIMU is headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida, USA and is operating in over 24 countries including Japan, Canada and Australia.