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Home Party Companies Are Making Waves In The U.S.

Helaine Olen, contributing editor at Pacific Standard and author of Pound Foolish talks about how home party companies are making waves, specifically in Silicon Valley:
The invitations began arriving shortly after I moved back to my native New York City in 2012. They all sounded eerily similar. Each offered a chance to spend some fun, quality time in an intimate setting with a few fellow moms—or “the girls”—while some sort of product, usually but not always clothing, was “shared.”
One of them beckoned me to a “trunk show” of jewelry and accessories by the company Stella & Dot, to be held at an Upper West Side brownstone. Another offered “a chance to share girlfriend time, refreshments and shop [sic]” for garments bearing the Ruby Ribbon label, a clothing and undergarment line.
A little Googling confirmed my suspicion: Like Amway and Mary Kay, these newer companies are multi-level marketing programs. Which is to say they offer their salespeople two ways to make money: by selling products directly to friends and neighbors, and—far more efficiently—by selling friends and neighbors on the idea of becoming salespeople themselves, and collecting a commission on their recruits’ earnings.
Suffice it to say, this was not exactly what I expected from a


SPX Nutrition Achieves Phenomenal Growth In First Four Months Of Business

SPX Nutrition launched on May 16, 2014 with network marketing industry veterans Rick Wall, CEO, and Tracie Duke, COO, at the helm. In 
four short months, customer and distributor sales have greatly exceeded original projections. 

“We are having good, strong growth due to our effective products, unmatched compensation plan and passionate Independent Professionals (IPs),” said Wall. 

SPX Nutrition currently offers three products, including the original Nutri-Thin, the most effective weight loss product on the market. Rounding out the product lineup is Nutri-Cleanse, a gentle and effective detox formula and Sea Veg with Vitamin D and Sea Cal, a whole food multi-nutritional supplement. SPX Nutrition prides itself on offering effective, safe, all natural, gluten-free and non-synthetic health supplements.
Along with supplements that help improve health and wellness, SPX has an unmatched 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge that pays participants between $100 and $600 for losing 20 pounds or more. The compensation plan for Independent Professionals is a hybrid Unilevel plan geared towards paying higher commissions up front enabling them to get into profit quickly yet providing substantial residual income as well. “We are so excited for the future. We have the best products and Independent Professionals. 

They make this company, and the sales will continue to reflect their efforts and enthusiasm,” said Duke. The first round of participants from


Miche Bag Launches New Campaign

Many businesses, organizations, and individuals have supported the fight against cancer. Miche Bag, LLC has launched a campaign to their distributors to partner with cancer groups that work with cancer patients. 
Local Miche distributors Susan and Elton Halcomb have chosen the Rush Memorial Hospital Sheehan Cancer Center and they have graciously provided beautiful “Hope” handbags for the female cancer patients. The Halcomb’s have donated 96 handbags to bring a little cheer to the RMH cancer patients. 

“I am so grateful to God that this company is compassionate and supports those patients and families fighting cancer. It is our pleasure to show our support and bring a little sunshine to their lives through a gift of our Miche handbag,” Susan Halcomb said.

Erin Pike, RMH Oncology Director continued the sentiment, “This is such a wonderful surprise. Our department thanks Miche and the Halcombs for sharing with us and making the lives of our cancer patients a little brighter as they go through treatment.”
Breast Cancer continues to be the most common type of cancer found in women in the United States and it is the second leading cause of cancer death among women age 40-59. This means that 1-in-8 women will develop breast cancer in


Direct-Selling Featured In The Guardian

For women in post-war 1950s Britain, invitations to parties at their friends’ houses started to come thick and fast. Tea and cakes were dished out – and so were plastic boxes. The aim of the hostess was to sell an innovative brand that had come over from the US and still survives today – Tupperware.
Fast forward 60 years and ladies (and to a lesser extent, gentlemen) are still being invited to parties with a hidden agenda – but now they can find themselves coming home with anything from a £16 mango wedger (courtesy of Pampered Chef) to a £145 statement necklace (Stella & Dot).
Parties where your host tries to flog you anything from wine to knickers now account for 35% of direct selling – the name given to the practice where someone sells you something outside of a shop environment.
This slice of the market has more than doubled from 14% five years ago, according to new figures from the Direct Selling Association (DSA). “Direct selling parties are social occasions where you can buy in a leisurely manner from a friend rather than a shop you have no connection to,” says Lynda Mills, director of the DSA.

“The increase in the parties