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Global Wealth Trade Africa Summit Attracts 1,200 Consultants

Global Wealth Trade is a huge success in Africa – 1,200 people attend the Abuja summit in Nigeria.
Last year we extensively covered how Global Wealth Trade was the first MLM Company to be fully embraced by 26 countries in the Caribbean countries where traditionally the Caribbean is not known to be MLM entrepreneurial.
Ramin Mesgarlou – Founder/CEO stated:
“It was awakening to see 800+ people gather in double Decker stadiums with a dozen dignitaries, top level ministers including Governor General and Prime Ministers attending the official launch of Global Wealth Trade in their countries and give welcome speeches.
Now we see Global Wealth Trade being fully embraced by the African continent led by Nigeria, again not a traditional MLM market.  
INSANE is the highest level of accolade you can receive in GWT and Africa; led by Team Nigeria has been just that –INSANE. Over 1200 people attended GWT’s first major Tour night (business presentation) in Abuja and for a new market that is just INSANE”
Ted Nuyten had the honor to cover the African MLM explosion by interviewing GWT Founder Ramin Mesgarlou.
Ramin, tell us about the massively successful Abuja summit, did you expect that type of reception for the first major event?
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