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Michael E. Kelly Joins Talk Fusion As Director Of Training

With a fervent goal to help others achieve their dreams, internationally renowned life coach and corporate trainer Michael E. Kelly has joined Talk Fusion as Director of Training. Michael will travel the world, motivating Talk Fusion Associates and encouraging their personal growth so they can become more successful than they ever believed possible.
“I was drawn to the rock solid nature of the business model and the incredible vision and leadership of Talk Fusion Founder & CEO Bob Reina,” Michael says. “Talk Fusion not only has a very explosive business model for today – the present – but most importantly, for the future! I see Talk Fusion becoming the locus of success in the Network Marketing industry!”
For over twenty years Mr. Kelly has played an integral role in the personal development and goal achievement for thousands of industry leaders and associates around the world. Among other industry accolades, Michael has been a master distributor, a corporate training director and senior consultant for numerous high profile companies. 
Michael has long been a believer in the transcendent power of confidence and enthusiasm. The youngest of six children, he grew up in a low income housing project; his hard-working father worked multiple jobs just to take care of his family.