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Plexus CEO Highlights 4 Strategies To Business Success

In April, Plexus Worldwide made its debut on the Direct Selling News (DSN) Global 100 list of the world’s largest direct selling companies. In August, Inc. magazine ranked it No. 8 on its Inc. 500 list of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. In a recent interview with DSN, CEO Tarl Robinson shared some of the key factors he feels have been paramount to that success.
Build a bond with your field.
Plexus prides itself in having a partnership-style relationship with its salesforce of Plexus Ambassadors. Robinson said the company relies heavily on an advisory board of seven Ambassadors, chosen by the company’s top leaders. The executive team is in contact with the advisory board at least monthly, with three in-person meetings each year.

Make quality hires internally.
Because Plexus has made a name for itself in the Scottsdale, Arizona, market as a company with good compensation and benefits packages—not to mention its alluring growth story—the company has had no lack of applicants as it has grown. “It’s a unique and exciting position to be in as a company, that we really get to be selective about who we place in a role and take a lot of time and effort and thought process around