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Javita On Target For $36 Million Revenue – Up 360%

I was talking with MLM Legend John Haremza at the Mastermind in Orlando and then again at GoPro in Las Vegas this past weekend.
John is the Master Distributor for Javita, a 25 year veteran of this industry, who has averaged $1,000,000 a year for the past 10 years.
He has some great generic training videos that anyone can benefit from at
John is amazed at what is happening at Javita. They did just over $10 million last year, they are on target for $36 million this year and with the momentum that is taking place he can see Javita at $80 to $100 million in 2015.   
He caught my attention when he shared how many new distributors, with no network marketing experience, were having extraordinary success.
When I asked him what he attributed this too John said:

First, the five critical elements must be in place company, product, compensation, timing, training and support and Javita clearly has these 5 elements in place”.
He pointed out the one thing that is giving these new people such success was the product, weight loss coffee, it’s so comfortable and easy to talk about. When you say weight loss coffee the line begins to form.

John pointed