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Stormy Wellington Reaches Regional Director with Total Life Changes

In just five weeks, Stormy Wellington, renowned Internet marketer, has reached the rank of Regional Director with Total Life Changes.
Stormy was introduced to Total Life Changes by Kenny & Chante Lloyd (Global Directors in TLC from Houston, Texas) and joined TLC on October 30, 2014.
Stormy has quickly made her way up the ranks. “I believe in moving fast… the speed of implementation creates the speed of your success. I first launched my business through a series of conference calls. Then I planned and implemented Iaso™ Tea parties, where I created a SkinnTea movement,” Stormy explains.
Her steps to success include teaching her members to “know the number in order to hit the number.” Stormy’s first short-term goal was to get binary team qualified and then sell the heck out of Iaso™ Tea and NRG to customers.
“This is all part of the Retail to Recruit System, inviting others to experience the results from these amazing products. Getting them on these products as customers first and then sharing the business opportunity to help them financially. I want to help as many people as possible to reach the Director Rank and earn an extra $2,000 a month and beyond,” adds Stormy.