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ViSalus Honors National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

To help kids begin their own journey to a healthier lifestyle, ViSalus, Inc. honored National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month this past September with a special double-donations initiative through their PROJECT 10™ Kids charity program. This double-donation incentive generated more than 65,000 kids meals and snacks donated to those in need.
PROJECT 10 Kids provides the Vi Community an opportunity to share the benefits of achieving a healthier weight with the next generation. When Vi Promoters and Customers lose 10 lbs. or add 10 lbs. of lean muscle during their PROJECT 10™ Challenge, the company donates 30 nutritional meals to a child in need through PROJECT 10 Kids.
“At ViSalus we have donated a total of over 4 million meals to families in need,” said Ryan Blair, Vi Co-Founder and CEO. “This includes over 65,000 as a result of our double-donations in September—the equivalent to over 2,000 kids meals and snacks a day.”  

Vi Regional Director, Gabriel Arellano, campaigned for the cause and biked 1,000 miles from Pueblo, Colorado to Houston, Texas where he attended Vitality, Vi’s 2014 global convention. “It’s a cause I am very passionate about, and it’s why I love our PROJECT 10 Kids program,” said Arellano. “ViSalus is doubling the 1,000-meal donation for


Lyfestart Closes Down Business Immediately

According to a very short message on the LyfeStart website, the company has closed down the doors in an unexpected move.
In May 2014 Latino Industry Leader Jerry Lopez joined the company, followed by Daniel Sistrunk as Dr. David L. Katz.
LyfeStart Founder and Co- CEO Christopher Pair Garza, former President of Herbalife, commented that time:
“Dr. Katz is one of the most recognized authorities on obesity in the United States. His expertise, passion for our mission, and ability to bring to our Medical Advisory Board other renowned experts in medicine, nutritional science and public health, will help speed our efforts to end worldwide malnutrition.”
The LyfeStart website:
“Dearest  LyfeStart Family,

It is with a heavy heart that we must inform you of some news regarding LyfeStart.
It is very unfortunate but effective immediately, LyfeStart will no longer be in business.  Although we had hoped to weather the storm, we are sorry to report that we will close our office in Irvine.  All LyfeOffice and Customer & Advisor Care operations will cease effective today.
We would like to express our personal appreciation for the association we have had through this last year. You have been a wonderful, supportive, hardworking family of Advisors, and we wish you every success in the future.”



Struggles In Russia Affect Avon – Which Account for Up to 6% Of Sales

Russia’s currency crisis is not just Vladimir Putin’s problem, it’s also the Avon Lady’s.
BMO downgraded Avon Products on Tuesday to “underperform” from “market perform” on concerns the falling ruble will destabilize the region, seriously hurting door-to-door sales in Eastern Europe.
Russia alone accounts for 5 to 6 percent of Avon’s sales, BMO estimates. Central and Eastern Europe hold 12 to 14 percent of Avon’s sales, according to the company.
“Avon needs to raise prices significantly to offset currency weakness at a time when consumers, in the midst of a credit crunch, have less money to spend,” analyst Connie Maneaty wrote in the report.
BMO lowered its target price to $7 from $10 on the assumption that Avon will trade at 12 times its 2015 earnings estimate. Avon shares opened slightly lower Tuesday at $9.31.

“Direct selling can be an income-generating opportunity in difficult economic conditions, and as it has done in the past, Avon may step up recruiting,” Maneaty wrote. “But there are risks.”

It’s been a rough month for Avon investors. Last Thursday, it agreed to pay $135 million to settle criminal and civil charges relating to a bribery scandal in China.
Originally reported by: CNBC


Lia Sophia Creating Problems As Company Shuts Down

Earlier this month, Lia Sophia abruptly announced that they would be closing their doors. Up until that moment they had been signing individuals up to be distributors. We were one of the first to break the story about the Lia Sophia announcement.
Since the announcement Lia Sophia has posted all of their items at clearance rates. Unfortunately, customers are fuming. The Lia Sophia page is riddled with angry customers who have waited past the quoted shipping time. Customer service is practically non-existant as no phone calls are being answered or returned, emails are going ignored, and a large percentage of customers are still waiting on Christmas orders placed three weeks ago, even though tomorrow is Christmas eve. 
The closure and post handling of the companies collapse is, unfortunately, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of individuals for an industry that’s already under a lot of scrutiny. There’s very little accountability in said events, leaving customers and distributors very little control over the outcome of their own business. 
Messages to Lia Sophia for a statement have also been ignored by this publication. Posts on their Facebook advertise discounted items and have a ‘cheery’ tone, but comments under the posts sing a different tune. 
