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Enter to Win a Fair Trade Gift Set From Trades of Hope ($82 value)

We’re excited to be partnering with Trades of Hope for this Fair Trade Giveaway! Create the look you want and change lives in several countries at once with these Fair Trade pieces. We have selected some of the top selling products to create this flawless style empowering women out of poverty! With this Aqua Bundle […]


Mark Comer – Synergy Hits $220,000 Per Month

Mark Comer, Synergy Nr. 1 Top Earner and an American businessman & philanthropist has hit the $220,000 per month mark with his MLM distributorship.
A full interview with Mark Comer is here.
Mark has founded several companies in multiple industries, and became a millionaire in 5 different business sectors. He has served as a mentor, board member, and partner in numerous businesses and foundations. Mark has been involved in the creation of multiple entrepreneurial initiatives and venture-capitalized startups located on every continent. (He has ridden motorcycles, surfed or played rock and roll on nearly every continent, as well).
Mark has been involved for years as a donor to several causes, both locally in Utah, USA as well as nationally and internationally.
In 2008, Mark established 5 Star Legacy Foundation (, a non-profit foundation. Its charter is to help eradicate the cycle of poverty through scholarships, micro-loans, and self-sustaining entrepreneur education.
These help to build a base of hope, increased life-expectancy, and elevated living standards of individuals and families in economically disadvantaged communities.
Mark Comer has authored and published the book “Discoveries of an Accidental Guru: 100 Lessons of Business and Personal Success,” through 707 Publishing Company. In the book, Mark conveys lessons drawn from his


Dr. John Edwards, Top Expert on Mangosteen, To Speak In Nigeria

First discovered in India over 400 years ago, used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of  years, and considered the national fruit in Thailand and Malaysia where it’s been used in herbal remedies for thousands of years, leading researchers and world famous doctors like best-selling author and Emmy award winner Dr. Mehmet Oz are touting Mangosteen’s impressive abilities and remarkable health benefits based on extensive studies conducted in numerous countries around the world, as well as recent clinical trials!
Others are calling this amazing, superfruit from SE Asia the #1 health and wellness discovery of the new millennium!
Known as the “Queen of All Fruits,” legendary for its various health promoting powers, and considered one of the world’s sweetest and most delicious tasting fruits (no relation to Mango), researchers have recently unlocked the key secrets to the Mangosteen fruit, discovering a unique, phytochemical compound concentrated primarily in the “pericarp” (the rind or outer covering of the fruit) called Xanthones.
Xanthones are a newly discovered class of “super?antioxidants,” with 43 different Xanthones having been identified in the Mangosteen fruit, considerably more than any other exotic fruit or berry such as Noni, Goji, or Acai, with each Xanthone having its own unique health promoting powers.


DubLi Announces New Compensation Plan

DubLi announced their new compensation plan effective November 1st. Unlike a traditional change in a compensation plan, the new binary plan will be on top of their existing plan, combining two distinct types of compensation plans. Several changes that had left DubLi’s original pay plan in the dark ages is revamping them to a more up-to-date system. These changes are: 
Earn 10% FSB from each person you enroll with Enrollment Packages ranging from 49.50 to 247.50
Earn Dual Team Bonuses up to 20 percent each time your volume from the left and right sides reaches 400 
Enrollment Packages includes 4,000 to 20,000 Bonus Gift Points to be added onto Community Team Leg to help
accelerate your Dual Team Bonus earning potential while you build your Personal Team Leg.
Earn Matching Bonus up to 20% on your personally sponsored enrollments Dual Team Bonuses.
Earn 5% up to 10% Generational Team Bonus Match starting when you reach the rank of Team Leader.
Each quarter DubLi will announce in advance pool incentives (3%)* for activation of VIP customers. You will earn
one share per activation of 3 VIP annual memberships. There are no limits to the number of shares you can earn 
each quarter; it is based solely on the how many annual VIP members you can produce.
DubLi will match each dollar you earn from the Quarterly Customer Activation Pool in DubLi’s worldwide 
branding, marketing and advertising promotions for customer acquisition. 
It seems as if the influx of internet marketers to the DubLi systen has influenced their pay-out system. DubLi still makes their compensation plan unavailable to the public and it is unclear if a new enrollee can still buy their position as with the previous pay plan. The changes are a positive one for distributors who are planning on building large teams and still rewards those focused on retail selling. (Membership sales)