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Zija International Recaps Emerging Markets Global Tour

Zija International recently held it’s biggest series of international events, the Emerging Markets Global Tour, which focused on some of its up-and-coming countries and geographic areas. The tour included several stops in Europe as well as Southeast Asia:
The events consisted of product and business training, recognition, exciting announcements from the stage, giveaways, product tastings, Q&A sessions, and more.
Oslo, Norway | October 18, 2014
Hosted by David Moses, Zija Crowne Diamond Elite, and Jacqueline Hekneby, Zija Diamond
Verona, Italy | October 21, 2014
Hosted by David Moses, Zija Crowne Diamond Elite, and Diego Benevelli
Bucharest, Romania | October 23, 2014
Hosted by David Moses, Zija Crowne Diamond Elite, and Tom Wikman, Zija Double Diamond
Stockholm, Sweden | October 25, 2014
Hosted by David Moses, Zija Crowne Diamond Elite
Hanoi, Vietnam | November 12, 2014
Hosted by Bryant Eggett, Zija Director of Southeast Asia & Korea
Jakarta, Indonesia | November 14, 2014
Hosted by Bryant Eggett, Zija Director of Southeast Asia & Korea
Singapore | November 15, 2014
Hosted by Ryan Palmer, Zija Vice President of Sales, Dr. Joshua Plant, Zija Vice President of Research & Development, and Bryant Eggett, Zija Director of Southeast Asia & Korea
One final tour stop will take place in Tokyo, Japan in March at Tokyo Disney Resort.

About Zija International
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4Life Launches 24th Market In Hamburg, Germany

Last weekend, 4Life opened the company’s twenty-fourth international market in Hamburg, Germany. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by 400 distributors and guests.
Vice President, Europe Rafael Fernández: “4Life Germany is in a strategic location to drive growth and support the field. This office offers great opportunities for our entrepreneurs to develop their businesses and relationships.”
The new office space is designed to provide meeting space for 4Life distributors throughout Hamburg and Germany at large. The 500-square-meter office includes six multi-purpose meeting rooms, a business library/computer lab, and two smaller rooms for individualized training.
“The new office will give a major boost to those taking the 4Life opportunity to people in the German market,” stated Vice President, International Preston Richards. “This office is a big leap forward in Europe and throughout the world.”
The capacity-plus crowd celebrated 4Life’s entry into the market with a recognition ceremony. Gold International Diamonds from Spain Carme Solà Xalabardé and Ángels Muñoz Estape were in attendance.
Foundation 4Life® contributed a donation of €2,000 EUR to the German organization, Kinder Tapfere, to support projects for needy children in Hamburg.
Ángels Muñoz Estape: “The German office staff is well equipped to support the distributors of Germany! This office is a symbol of the investment