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DubLi Announces New Chief Network Officer, Jerry Yerke

In an email sent out globally to its associates, DubLi announces their new Chief Networking Officer. The email is as follows: 
It is our pleasure to introduce Jerry Yerke as our Chief Network Officer for North America and Asia/Pacific. Jerry is based in Santa Monica and will be traveling extensively to support DubLi Network. 

Jerry joins DubLi Network with expertise from a twenty-year career in the network marketing industry in the field as a top distributor, investor, and corporate executive. 

Most recently, Jerry served as Chief Network Officer of a global network marketing company where he was the communication bridge between the company and its network of distributors. As CNO, Jerry supported this Network in the United States, Canada, Brazil and Mexico. Jerry also spearheaded the growth of this company’s merchant community with the creation of compliant, company-approved system tools used by its members worldwide. 

Jerry launched his career in network marketing by helping take a company from $30 million to $1.4 billion in revenue as one of its top retailers. As Executive Vice President for this Global company Jerry successfully supported the company’s Southeast Asian market by developing marketing tools, leadership, and training systems that led to the company’s significant growth. 

Earlier in his