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Matt and Leigh Ward Are Fastest To Reach 500K In LIMU History

Industry veterans Matt and Leigh Ward from Oklahoma, USA became LIMU’s first-ever 300Ks last month, and now this powerhouse Network Marketing duo has achieved the 500K rank at LIMU in less than 75 days. The Wards have helped many people reach 6 and 7-figure incomes over their years in the industry.
“The great thing about the LIMU Experience is that it’s an easy, duplicable system,” Matt Ward says.
“LIMU made it achievable for us to reach these high ranks in a very short period of time, faster than we have ever been able to build. Kudos to LIMU and, of course, to our amazing team for making it all possible.”
At the 500K rank, LIMU Promoters earn a $100,000 Cash Bonus – that’s on top of regular commissions and the cash bonuses they have earned at previous ranks: $10,000 at 100K, $20,000 at 200K and $30,000 at 300K.
Those cash bonuses are only part of the story, because LIMU Promoters have the opportunity to earn a total of $730,000 in cash bonuses as they achieve ranks from 100K to 2M.

“It’s exciting to see new Promoters succeeding so quickly at LIMU,” said Gary J. Raser, Founder, President and CEO.  “We have a truly


Ackman Going After Herbalife… Again

Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) is back in the spotlight yet again, thanks to Bill Ackman’s firm, Pershing Square Capital Management. This month marks two years since the activist investor publicly announced his short of the nutritional supplements company.
Now his firm accuses Herbalife distributors of “routinely making false, dangerous and illegal medical claims to potential customers.
Pershing Square issued a press release making these new allegations this morning. The firm also posted a video about it on its anti-Herbalife website. The video allegedly shows some distributors of Herbalife’s products violating regulations set forth by the Food and Drug Administration and also an injunction issued in California in 1986. That injunction demanded that Herbalife and its distributors stop making the illegal medical claims immediately.
The firm’s representatives reviewed publicly available video that shows Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) executives making medical claims about the company’s products as well for more than 30 years. Pershing Square said the multi-level marketing company can’t deny knowing about this practice because high level executives like CEO Michael Johnson also made allegedly misleading statements.
Distributors name several medical benefits
In the video compiled by Pershing Square, distributors name a number of medical issues that Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) products can supposedly help with and in some cases possibly


Sergii Shevchenko – Wor(l)d Global Network Hits $200,000 Per Month

Sergii Shevchenko from the Ukraine reached the President Millionaire rank in the Wor(l)d Global Network compensation plan and has hit the $200,000 per month mark.
WOR(l)D Global Network is a public company, headquartered in London and is in the process of become publicly listed in the UK.
Improving people’s lives, offering an unequalled business opportunity and revolutionary products: these are the pivotal mission points of WOR(l)D and of his CEO Fabio Galdi. WOR(l)D in a few years established itself as one of the leaders of the networked economy.
Featuring the latest generation of pioneering wearable technology, Space computer and Space glasses will allow users to comfortably wear binocular smart glasses which are connected to a small 8×4 cm personal computer.
But ambition does not prevent WOR(l)D to widen the tech horizon. In fact, one of the main brands under WOR(l)D, Power Clouds, establishes itself to be one of the largest solar energy producer in the world with the creation of almost 20 solar plants worldwide in one year in constant growth.
WOR(l)D is therefore a multifaceted company which establishes itself as ground- breaking innovator in tech, renewable energies and social.