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Talk Fusion’s Dream Getaway Closes With Moving Breast Cancer Tribute

Beverly Monical of Tampa, Florida was always admired by her fellow Talk Fusion Associates worldwide for her passion, love of Talk Fusion, and faith–even in moments of adversity. A driven team leader with great aspirations for the future, Beverly had always dreamed of attending Talk Fusion’s luxurious, bi-annual Dream Getaway incentive trip in Maui. However, the four-time cancer survivor was never able to attend.
As a testament to her hard work and determination, Beverly was given an honorary passage to Dream Getaway at Talk Fusion’s annual Corporate Event, IMAGINE, in Tampa this April. Unfortunately, her health declined and she had to cancel. That would be her last chance to make the trip.
Beverly lost her battle with breast cancer this summer.
Even after Beverly’s passing, Talk Fusion Founder & CEO Bob Reina and VP of Training & Development Allison Roberts made sure that the legacy of this inspirational Associate lives on. What better place to do so than in beautiful Hawaii?
A tribute ceremony was held in her honor on Sunday, December 7th at the Dream Getaway trip for Diamond Associates and above in Hawaii, with Beverly’s husband, Bill Monical, and son, Gordon Waugh, in attendance.
Over 150 Dream Getaway attendees gathered on the beach


Swiss Based Preiscoin Opens Italy And France

Swiss based Preiscoin expands into the French and Italian markets with it’s system available in these langauges starting today.
The world is changing rapidly. Business communication is measured by clicks and likes, not by number of hotel meetings any longer.
“The true global opportunity has to provide a way for an average person of our times to promote it from home with simple tools.
Preiscoin provides that with the complete sales funnels, squeeze pages, follow-up emails and international in–house marketing team ready to support the partners. I can’t wish more” – says Piotr Labuz, Preiscon’s top leader from Poland.
His team includes partners from US, Canada, Australia and several other countries while he doesn’t even speak English. Preiscoin has been designed and is run by experienced internet marketers who decided to give to it’s users all they have been using for years to create at least 6-figures income online.

Preiscoin Group AG is based out of Switzerland that offers the Preiscoin (PRS), an alternative digital currency based on the Bitcoin protocol. 
Preiscoin uses a Forced Matrix compensation structure for affiliates to build up their customer base.
The Forced Matrix Plan is a compensation structure with a set width and depth on which distributors are compensated.
Preiscoin offers 4% residual commissions on every sale down


TelexFree Receiver Stephen Darr Speaks Out

In 35 years of handling bankruptcy cases, Stephen Darr has seen plenty of ugly. He has doled out funds to creditors of an asbestos company and a machine gun maker and to victims of several Ponzi schemes.
But nothing comes close to the scale of the TelexFree Inc. bankruptcy. Never in history has a trustee been responsible for divvying up the assets of a company that prosecutors say defrauded 2.1 million people, from Boston to Uganda.
Darr, an accountant by trade and senior managing director at Mesirow Financial Consulting in Boston, is the court-appointed trustee charged with paying out claims to victims who believe they are owed more than $1 billion in the case. TelexFree was purportedly a long-distance phone company, but in reality generated most of its money by luring a stream of small investors from 2012 until it was shut down earlier this year, according to prosecutors.
Many Brazilian immigrants risked — and lost — large portions of their savings, in hopes of reaping the generous returns that were promised.
“I feel very sympathetic toward these people,’’ Darr said. “They lost a lot of money. They deserve to get it back, and it’s my job to get it back to them as