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India Working Towards New Legislation To Help Direct-Selling Industry

For those that have been following international direct-selling news will be happy to hear that India is finally putting some measures into place to progress the direct-selling industry in their country, which has been sorely lacking the support. Although a small baby step toward the results needed, it is a step in the right direction. 
Welcoming the formation of an inter ministerial committee to look into their issues, direct sellers have asked the government to frame a separate regulation after consulting all stakeholders in a time-bound manner for the sector. 
The India Direct Selling Association (IDSA), which falls under the Prize Chits & Money Circulation Schemes (PCMCS) (Banning) Act, has been asking for a separate legislation for some time. 

“We welcome the much awaited action taken by the government. We hope the government will draft an inclusive legislation in consultation with the industry stakeholders. We expect the government to give out time-bound legislation,” IDSA Secretary General Chavi Hemanth said. 

Last week, MoS Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Raosaheb Patil Danve has informed Parliament that the government has set up an inter ministerial committee to consider separate legislation for direct selling/ multi-level marketing companies. 
“At present, in the absence of any separate regulatory framework business models like direct selling/


Zeek Rewards Receiver Sues 22 Australian Leaders

Zeek Receiver Kenneth Bell has filed on 29 December a Federal lawsuit entitled “Bell v. Bjerring et al”.  Gert Bjerring is the largest fish in the pool with $826,000+ in Zeek Rewards commissions.
How an USA court has jurisdiction over Australian citizens has to be proven, however Australian Zeek Rewards net winners are most likely not pleased, the USA is going after them…
According to the lawsuit:
“Because Zeek’s net winners “won” (the victims’) money in an unlawful combined Ponzi and pyramid scheme, the net winners are not permitted to keep their winnings and must return the fraudulently transferred winnings back to the Receiver for distribution to Zeek’s victims”.

Gert Bjerring of Queensland, Australia, $826,801.73
David Mitchell of New South Wales, Australia, $298,802.10 
Nicola Holloway of Queensland, Australia, $273,009.36 
Sam Fawahl of Victoria, Australia, $232,564.55 
Warren Hickey of Queensland, Australia, $159,757.73
Paul Mandelt of Western Australia, $128,913.02 
Kelvian Hansen of Queensland, Australia, $111,799.43
Anni Thompson of Queensland, Australia, $95,566.00 
Ann Audrey Hickey of Queensland, Australia, $83,487.05 
R&J Thumm Family P/L as Trustee for Thumm Investment Trust, Australia, $80,130.26
David Cane of Queensland, Australia, $77,296.57 
Donna Walton of Queensland, Australia, $76,730.36 
Michael Georghiou of Victoria, Australia, $74,968.93 
Thomas von Eitzen of Queensland, Australia, $74,854.07 
Bradley Ferries


Scanning Photos can be a Great Home Business

By Cathi Nelson Converting old photographs into digital images by scanning them is a terrific small business opportunity that offers flexible hours and a minimum investment. In fact, in addition to managing APPO, I share a photo scanning business with my teenage children. It has been a great opportunity to teach them the fundamentals of […]


Avon Makes Fortune Magazines 5 Worst Investments List

The second worst-performing stock outside the oil and gas exploration sector was Avon (AVN). The direct-selling company is facing soft consumer spending issues at home, and a host of problems abroad, including an economic slowdown in Brazil, a main profit center for the company.
Avon also recently settled a case with the Justice Department for $135 million over bribery allegations related to its business in China.
Avon shared the worst investment rankings with Mattell and Genworth Financial. 
Avon Products, Inc, known as Avon, is an American international manufacturer and direct selling company in beauty, household, and personal care categories. As of 2012, Avon had annual sales of $10.0 billion worldwide in 2013.
It is the fifth-largest beauty company and second largest direct selling enterprise in the world, with 6.4 million representatives. Avon Products is a multi-level marketing company. The company’s CEO is Sherilyn S. McCoy, who was appointed to that position in April 2012. The former CEO, Andrea Jung, became the executive chairman of the board.


LR Restructuring Their Management Structure

The company’s CEO, Dr. Jens M. Abend, will transfer from Operational Management to the Advisory Board of the LR Group. The managers Patrick Sostmann, Tilo Plöger, Dr. Andreas Laabs and Thomas Heursen, will conjointly lead the company along the existing growth and internationalization strategy.
Patrick Sostmann (40), since 2006 with LR and responsible for Global Sales, will resume additional responsibilities as new spokesman of the Executive Management. Tilo Plöger (47), since 2007 in charge of Marketing and Operations at LR, will take over Human Resources. Dr. Andreas Laabs (41), who joined the Executive Management as CFO in summer 2014, will be responsible for the E-Commerce and IT department.
The area of responsibility of Thomas Heursen (52), with the company since 1992 and responsible for the Global Partner Relations segment, will remain unchanged.
Dr. Jens M. Abend started his career with LR in 2006 as CSO (Chief Sales Officer) and in April 2007 was appointed CEO of the LR Group. Under his leadership the company transitioned from a family run business into a modern management-led company with professional structures and processes. Specific investments in the market and strategic positioning as well as decisive internationalization initiated a new period of growth. Moreover, Dr. Jens