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Ambit Energy Hit With Class Action Lawsuit

Ambit Energy Holdings LLC was hit with a putative class action in New Jersey federal court, claiming the energy company lured customers into switching providers with promises of lowered gas and electric bills, then slammed them with exorbitant rates. 

Michael Urbino, a New Jersey resident, and Brian Whitney, who hails from New York, filed suit against the Dallas-based utility, claiming the company has taken advantage of its customers in their states and others by shifting the risk of the volatile gas and electricity markets with variable rates that can spike quickly and leave customers promised lower rates holding the bag.

“Like the risky adjustable-rate mortgages that contributed to the financial crisis, Ambit’s variable energy rates can fluctuate rapidly and have no ceiling,” the complaint said. “Yet Ambit conceals this financial risk with an extensive marketing campaign that bombards consumers with promises of consistency and savings while failing to warn consumers of the factors affecting Ambit’s variable energy rates and that those factors can drastically turn.”

According to the complaint, Whitney was wooed into switching his gas and electric accounts to Ambit in January 2011, while Urbino switched carriers in early 2012. Both had been convinced they would see savings, the documents said, but Whitney


Top Industry Leader Dr. Malikah Murphy Joins Foru International

foru International (foru), the leader of personalized health, beauty and wellness products and subsidiary of foru Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FORU), is pleased to announce that Dr. Malikah Murphy has joined their national network of Brand Partners.

“Malikah has generated tens of millions of dollars, rising to the highest ranks of a company that was more than 70,000 distributors strong,” said Sharon Tahaney, President, foru International. “We are thrilled to bring her success to the foru team.”

Malikah was born and raised in Bronx, NY and moved to Delaware to raise her family in 2005. When her son was diagnosed with sickle cell disease, she left her daytime job to help care for him. During the recession in 2007, Malikah turned to network marketing as a means of survival for her family and has since had incredible business achievements such as elevating herself to the position of a top level marketer.

“I am excited to partner with foru because it is the first product of its kind and I am excited to be at the forefront of a product that is actually going to make history,” said Dr. Malikah Murphy. “Truly customized nutrition and skincare was unheard of until now. I am a businesswoman and I know a great thing when I


Beautycounter Backs New Benchmark on Corporate Chemical Use

Nontoxic skincare and cosmetics brand Beautycounter has teamed up with a group of likeminded organizations to introduce the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP). The project, an initiative of BizNGO and the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production and Pure Strategies, is using a model similar to carbon footprinting to establish the first-ever common metric on corporate chemicals management.