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Trévo Announces 2015 Trip Award Program

Trévo is once again proving that hard work in their network doesn’t go unnoticed, as it has announced an amazing Trip Award Program for its members in 2015. As part of the promotion, Trévo will be sending its top performers on a luxurious getaway to a dazzling resort destination.
In 2015, Trévo Life and Health Coaches that earn Director-level rank will be rewarded with an amazing retreat to a luxurious resort in their country or region. These members will be able to kick back and relax with other Director-level members on an all-expense paid getaway, and celebrate the extraordinary success they achieve through Trévo.
Life and Health Coaches that earn Executive- or Diamond-level rank will take an all-expense paid, out-of-country trip hosted by Trévo CEO, Mark Stevens, and his wife and Trévo Co-Founder, Holli Stevens!
“2014 was an incredible year for our company, and was just further proof that our Life and Health Coaches put in amazing work for this company,” Stevens said. “We are so excited to announce this our Trip Award Program, because we wanted to do something special and unique for those members that go above and beyond for Trévo.”
This trip promotion is just another example of the many ways


Dubli Has Paid $1 Million Sign Up Bonus For A Top Leader

According to well informed sources, Dubli has paid $1 million sign up bonus in cash or shares for a top leader.
It brings up the insider discussion whether or not this is ethical, as team members of that paid leader will most likely not get the same deal.
Kevin Thompson, the MLM attorney stated on his Facebook page:
“I have been dancing around this issue for 4 months. I felt like openly talking about it would somehow get me into trouble for ruining a fun party.
But enough is enough, and here’s the truth: the practice of providing people with extra incentives ON TOP OF THE PAY PLAN without disclosure…it’s fraud.
And it needs to stop. It’s created a recruiting frenzy devoid of honor.
As it turns out, the majority of network marketing companies refuse to cut these sorts of deals”.
Kevin Thompson


Robert Blackman  a MLM professional stated:
I guess when the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL pays a signing bonus to a player it ruins the integrity of the game? SMH. I guess when Merrill Lynch and Citibank and Chase give a signing bonus or pay on extra performance it ruins it for everyone? My local car dealer pays the guy who sells the most cars