Hot Business News Today

Buying Facebook Votes Does Not Help To Win A Poll

We consider it a compliment when people try to manipulate our polls by “buying” Facebook votes from scam artists, it shows how important those polls are for the field.
We have had a couple of attempts to bring in fake facebook votes, and those fake votes are removed.
We understand, it is very important for companies to end up high in a poll however we want the competition to be fair and will do every thing possible to keep it that way.
There are mercenaries who have created thousands of fake Facebook profiles. Often they are from Bangladesh, India or East Europe. They sell their “voting services”
However we know the Direct Selling industry and as we are logging the IP address and facebook link, both our security systems, as regular manual checks will reveal fake facebook votes.
In that case we will place the company, CEO or Rep temporarily out of competition, as we do not know if that company is buying to votes, or if it is an attempt from other people to comprise a company.
To give a small example what we log:

Facebook account
Date /
January 25, 2015 @ 4:40 am

Keep poll voting clean, scam artists can maybe bring in temporarily fake


InfoTrax Deploys Compensation Engine and Distributor Tools for Vemma

InfoTrax, the leading provider of software for the direct selling industry, announced today that it has implemented its newest generation of software for Vemma Nutrition Company.
Vemma, a premium liquid wellness company, has experienced its second consecutive year of exceeding $200M+ in revenue in 2014 after reaching 100M+ for the first time in 2012. Vemma was recently recognized for its success by Direct Selling News and The American Business Awards.
Vemma chose to implement InfoTrax’ compensation engine and distributor web tools to provide real-time business management and commissions calculations for their Affiliates.
“We continue to grow at a rapid rate, and we required a technology platform that can support our growth and make it easy for our Affiliates to expand their Vemma businesses,” said BK Boreyko, Vemma Founder and CEO.
“Calculating and paying commissions quickly and accurately is vital for our business, but equally important is providing timely and relevant information to our Affiliates. Our launch with InfoTrax was excellent, which is what we expected from InfoTrax with 30 years of MLM expertise. We welcome the confidence that InfoTrax gives us as our technology partner.”
The InfoTrax Compensation Engine integrates fully with Vemma’s existing CRM order entry systems and includes real-time reporting to Vemma’s


Stream Proceeds With Mobile Launch In The Face Of Solavei’s Attempt To Halt Plans

Stream has proceeded with this weekend’s nationwide launch of Mobile Services at its Unleashed event in Las Vegas, in the face of grossly misrepresented and baseless legal allegations by Solavei made public late Friday afternoon.
“We’re thrilled to celebrate the nationwide launch of Mobile Services by Stream with our enthusiastic and committed Associates at Unleashed in Las Vegas.
 We started in 2005 with a revolutionary concept, turning on the lights with our network of friends and family, and now our Mobile Services will bring even more people together in markets we haven’t been able to touch before,” said Mark “Bouncer” Schiro, Stream president and CEO.
Stream’s Mobile Services branch offers dependable cellular services within the continental United States. Available service packages provide reliable coverage, fast speeds and the latest technology—all without commitments or contracts. The program’s “Mobile Your Way” structure further allows consumers to take charge of their mobile usage and customize phone and data plans that fit their individual needs.
With the nationwide launch of Mobile Services and Stream’s existing suite of Protective Services, the company and its Associates now have no geographic restrictions within the continental U.S., creating endless opportunities for growth.
Schiro also dismissed the representations appearing in Solavei’s January 23rd press release concerning their judicial proceedings. “The reality is that, for whatever reasons, Solavei showed up


MLM Investor TPG Capital Considered Buying Herbalife Last Year

If you are a corporate executive and you are looking for a very large MLM investor it seems TPG Capital is some times investing in the Direct Selling market
TPG is a leading global private investment firm with $65 billion of capital under management.
TPG Capital (formerly Texas Pacific Group) is one of the largest private equity investment firms globally, focused on leveraged buyout, growth capital and leveraged recapitalization investments in distressed companies and turnaround situations.
TPG also manages investment funds specializing in growth capital, venture capital, public equity, and debt investments. The firm invests in a broad range of industries including consumer/retail, media and telecommunications, industrials, technology, travel/leisure and health care.
According to the New York Post:
Private equity giant TPG Capital seriously considered buying Herbalife last year — as part of an ongoing interest in the multi-level marketing industry, The Post has learned.
“They took a long look at Herbalife” one year ago, a source with direct knowledge of the situation said. TPG also considered buying Nu Skin, the source said. It is not known why TPG’s interest in Herbalife and Nu Skin ended without any investment.
Both companies have issues with regulators. Presently, TPG is reportedly looking at acquiring Avon — a


Business For Home – What We Do

The Business For website is an initiative of Ted Nuyten, CEO and Chairman of the Business For Home Foundation, which is established in the Netherlands under Dutch law and Dini Noorlander, acting as Chief Relations Officer.
Per year, the website receives an estimated 3.5 – 4 million unique visitors from all over the world with the majority being Network Marketing professionals with approximately 25% visiting the website looking for a new or additional opportunities.
Approximately three times a week a mailing is distributed to 54,000+ worldwide double opt-in subscribers.
Additionally, articles are shared through the Business For Home Facebook Business Page which is currently at 40,000+ likes, Twitter and LinkedIn.
On average the website is serving 12,000 – 15,000+ visitors per day, with all time daily highs of 70,000 visitors when “Breaking News” occurs or Poll voting takes place.
The majority of the articles are positive. However, at times, law suits and controversial news is published as well.

We concentrate on Direct Selling facts and figures, therefore some people call Ted Nuyten “The Score Keeper For The Direct Selling Industry”.

The website runs on scalable virtual servers. The objective of the website is to show the “outside” world, Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM is


DSA President Joseph Mariano’s New York Times Letter To The Editor

To the Editor:
Re “Riddle of the Pyramids,” by Joe Nocera (column, Jan. 10):
There is no riddle. Federal law and statutes in a majority of the states clearly define a pyramid as an operation that pays salespeople primarily for recruiting additional members into a network instead of selling products. The Federal Trade Commission further warns that pyramids may require members to buy large amounts of inventory, meaning you couldn’t consume it yourself, or unwanted items.
“Multilevel marketing” is not synonymous with pyramid scheme. The former is an accepted, lawful method of marketing consumer goods and services. The latter is an illegal business operation that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Hundreds of direct selling firms in the United States (sometimes referred to as multilevel marketers) that are members of the Direct Selling Association are progressive companies with sound business practices that provide opportunities to millions around the globe. These companies, including Herbalife, have committed themselves to the highest level of marketplace ethics and a rigorous self-regulatory code.
We should consider the consequences to the individuals who sell and consume their products — and the communities their parent companies serve — before placing scarlet letters upon their legitimate businesses.


ARIIX Brand, Nutrifii, Sponsors Rotterdam’s Eredevisie League

ARIIX Corporation announces its Nutrifii™ brand, a line of premier health supplements, as the official sponsor of the S.B.V. Excelsior Football Club in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The world-class club is a member of the Eredivisie league (“Honor League”), competing with the Netherland’s most prestigious football teams.
Products in the Nutrifii line that support the high-demand diet of these elite athletes include Optimals™ vitamins and minerals; Omega-Q, a supplement rich in omega-3 fatty acids; Rejuveniix™, a natural energy supplement; Restoriix, a naturally detoxifying formula; and Moa™, a nutrient-dense superfood drink supplement.
In addition to the Nutrifii products, Excelsior athletes also incorporate PureNourish™ and Power Boost™ shakes into their training routines. PureNourish  provides a high-protein snack replacement rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and probiotics. Power Boost is a complementary addition to the shakes formulated especially for the demanding schedule of the athlete. Its special blend of amino acids and other nutrients support peak athletic performance and shorten recovery times following extreme exertion.
The team’s supplements were recommended by Rosa Rodriguez, the club’s lifestyle coach, as a high-quality addition to the athlete’s nutritional demands. “Previously, the dietary focus was primarily on weight and body fat, but now we go a step further,” explains Ms. Rodriguez, “Everything now is focused on rapid recovery of the body,


Herbalife’s Biggest Individual Shareholder Has Added To His Position

Myles Udland at Reports:
Post Holdings executive chairman Bill Stiritz has added to his stake in Herbalife.
Stiritz, who is Herbalife’s biggest individual shareholder, has added to his 8.2% position in Herbalife during the stock’s recent pullback, according to a report from CNBC’s Scott Wapner.
Wapner, citing sources, also reported that Stiritz had not sold a share of his stake in the company.
Earlier this month, Business Insider’s Julia La Roche reported that Stiritz had most likely suffered paper losses upward of $200 million on his position in the multilevel marketing company, which fell about 50% during 2014. 
Stiritz is on the same side of the Herbalife trade as noted activist investor Carl Icahn, who is the company’s largest shareholder. Hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is well known for being short shares of Herbalife, and in a December 2012 presentation, Ackman called the company a pyramid scheme. 
The FTC opened an investigation into Herbalife in March. 
In September 2013, when Stiritz first initiated his position in Herbalife, the stock was trading just below $60 per share. On Friday, shares of Herbalife were just below $32. 
Following Wapner’s report, shares of Herbalife, which had been lower Friday, were up as much as 3%.


Solavei Sues Stream Energy For Stealing Trade Secrets After Merger Talks

A Dallas District Court judge today blocked Stream Energy from using proprietary technology and information to launch a new mobile phone service after social commerce leader Solavei sued Stream for stealing trade secrets gathered during extensive merger talks.
Seattle-based Solavei sought the injunction to halt Stream and its marketing arm, Ignite, from using trade secrets and other intellectual property in launching a mobile phone service sold through an online direct-marketing platform – exactly the type of social commerce business pioneered and continuously innovated upon by Solavei. Stream’s mobile business was set to launch on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015, at an event in Las Vegas.
“Without benefit of Solavei’s confidential information and the guidance and explanation provided during due diligence, Defendants could not launch this new business – particularly not in a matter of months,” the lawsuit states.
Solavei provides high-quality, low-cost and contract-free mobile phone service in the United States. The company’s core business strategy combines social media, referral marketing and mobile service.
Stream is a Texas company involved in the direct marketing of retail electric service. Senior Stream executives named in the lawsuit are Chairman Rob Snyder, CEO Mark “Bouncer” Schiro and CFO Renee Hornbaker along with top Stream associates who were bound by specific confidentiality agreements. 