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RHYTHM Foundation Helps QNET Pays It Forward In Tajikistan

In Tajikistan, disability is stigmatised and children are sent to state institutions or hidden away at home. Indeed, social attitudes and stigma plays a significant role in limiting the possibilities for children with special educational needs, here.
Over 125,000 people are registered as special needs in Tajikistan, 19,000 are under sixteen years old and 1,447 children are registered as orphans. Approximately, 2,505 children are registered as living in twenty three different special education institutions. Alas, the data contradicts with reality, as many are not registered or have not been physically seen over the years. Hence, inconsistent, inaccurate, incomplete and out-of- date data are often the root cause of the existing issue.
Very few of these children with special educational needs attend school. Apparently, the standards don’t allow enough flexibility for students who learn differently. But, parents in Tajikistan have begun to stand up for their children’s rights. They advocate for change and betterment, lobby with schools, local authorities and ministries to facilitate the inclusion of their children into mainstream schools.
Together with Association of Parents of Disabled Children (APDC) in Dushanbe, QNET and RYTHM Foundation have embarked on a joint venture in building a tight–knit friendship across Tajikistan and Malaysia to give these


Lindsey Duncan, CEO Genesis Today Fined With $9 Million

Lindsey Duncan and the companies he controlled have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they deceptively touted the supposed weight-loss benefits of green coffee bean extract through a campaign that included appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, The View, and other television programs.
Under the FTC settlement, the defendants are barred from making deceptive claims about the health benefits or efficacy of any dietary supplement or drug product, and will pay $9 million for consumer redress.
“Lindsey Duncan and his companies made millions by falsely claiming that green coffee bean supplements cause significant and rapid weight loss,” said Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “This case shows that the Federal Trade Commission will continue to fight deceptive marketers’ attempts to prey on consumers trying to improve their health.”
The FTC charged that Duncan and his companies, Pure Health LLC and Genesis Today, Inc., deceptively claimed that the supplement could cause consumers to lose 17 pounds and 16 percent of their body fat in just 12 weeks without diet or exercise, and that the claim was backed up by a clinical study. In September 2014, the FTC settled charges against the company that sponsored the severely flawed study


Jamie At Home Out Of Business

TV cook Jamie Oliver’s direct sales/network marketing organisation – Jamie At Home, seems to have ceased operations a couple of weeks ago.
So far, there seems to be no official announcement, leaving a couple of thousand distributors to speculate.
The only message appearing when accessing the website is
“Unfortunately we have sold through on all products lines”. 
Basically as a distributor that puts you out of business. Seems Jamie Oliver ceased operations without any communication to the field.
The business expanded opening up in the USA, about a year ago after being establish in the UK.
Jamie Oliver appointed a husband and wife team, as CEO’s.
According to the website: “Jamie At Home is an eclectic collection of products inspired by Jamie’s relaxed approach to eating, entertaining and enjoying life available primarily through Jamie at Home self employed consultants”.
The USA website is still live, however signing up as a consultant triggers an server error.
Seems like Jamie Oliver left the reps in the dust…
About Jamie At Home (USA):
Jamie Oliver At Home is a direct sales business offering self-employed Consultants the chance to work in partnership with Jamie to sell the gorgeous Jme product range. We give anyone the opportunity to earn some extra