Hot Business News Today

MonaVie and mynt Leader Scott Olsen Leads mynt Pre-launch Tour In Japan

Imperial Black Diamond Executive Scott Olsen, one of MonaVie’s international founding distributors, is blazing the trail again. This time he is traveling to hold a series of mynt pre-launch meetings in Japan over the coming days.
MonaVie anticipates fully launching mynt in Japan by the second quarter of 2015.
Since mynt officially launched in North America at the beginning of January, other international markets have been clamoring to learn more about mynt. Shortly after the mynt launch in North America, MonaVie leaders headed to Europe to share the buzz behind the mynt concept, vision, and strategy.
Scott’s teams have also been traveling from North America to Brazil and Europe over the last year pre-launching the mynt concept and empowering people worldwide about this new brand and direction. Now, it’s Japan’s turn to hear it all!

“I am very excited to travel throughout Japan and educate everyone on the new movement generated by mynt,” Scott said.

Joined by local MonaVie distributor leaders in Japan—from Blue Diamonds to Black Diamonds and above—Scott is kicking off the Japan mynt pre-launch tour in Tokyo on February 7. He will then travel to Nagoya (February 8), Fukuoka (February 9), Osaka (February 10–11), and then back to Tokyo for the final meeting


ViSalus Co-Founder Blake Mallen Reveals a New Business Model

ViSalus Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer Blake Mallen discusses his outlook for 2015.
From tripling charity donations, to a new business model, to making available a 6% equity program, to international expansion investments.
It’s clear to see why the future for ViSalus looks bright.
ViSalus is a healthy lifestyle company committed to transforming life, health and prosperity around the world by creating meaningful connections, supporting physical transformations, and promoting entrepreneurial freedom. Through their flagship program, The Challenge, ViSalus has developed a leading platform for achieving weight-loss and fitness results.
Founded in 2005, ViSalus develops innovative weight-management products and nutritional supplements that it markets and sells direct-to-consumers through an international sales force of independent Promoters. ViSalus offers its products in North America under the ViSalus® brand and in Europe under the Vi™ brand.


ViSalus is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, with offices in Los Angeles and throughout Europe. For more information about ViSalus, visit and follow the Vi-Community on Facebook ( and Twitter (@ViSalus).


ViSalus Growing Fast In Europe

Recently In the center of Amsterdam ViSalus hosted the first ever European Leadership Launch Event to a packed room  of Challenge Promoters from all of our European Union (EU) countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and Spain, ViSalus is growing fast in Europe.
Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Blake Mallen launched the new 2015 initiatives, including Challenge Groups – a fun and simple way to turn Challenge Goals into a Healthy Lifestyle.
Blake also announced the upcoming European launch of Vi Bites a healthy snack.
You may remember the names Steve and Yvette Mitchell. They joined ViSalus 15 months ago and have already experienced great success. They qualified for their BMW bonus in 3 days, achieved 1-Star Ambassador in 25 days, and reached 2-Star Ambassador this Christmas.
By April, the couple plans on reaching the rank of Diamond Ambassador.
ViSalus, Inc. is a healthy lifestyle company committed to transforming Life, Health and Prosperity around the world by creating meaningful connections, supporting physical transformations, and promoting entrepreneurial freedom. ViSalus offers its products in North America under the ViSalus brand and in Europe under the Vi™ brand.
European Leadership event

Recent Vi- Ambassadors ranks in Europe



Unicity Thailand Convention 2015 Attracts 50,000 Visitors

Allthough Unicity is some what under the radar in the USA and Europe, in Thailand there are record breaking numbers, I have not seen much MLM companies able to break 50,000 attendees on a convention.
According to the Unicity website:
“Headquartered in Orem, Utah, USA and driven by more than 100 years of enterprise, Unicity empowers its employees, distributors, and customers to achieve their aspirations.
Unicity formed more than ten years ago with the merger of two companies: Rexall Showcase International and Enrich International.
Rexall Showcase International was the direct marketing division of Rexall—a well-known, highly trusted company whose roots go back to the early 1900s. In the late 1980s, Rexall Showcase became a direct marketing organization which was eventually acquired by Royal Numico in 2000.
Enrich International was a multi-level marketing company established in 1972 and was the first company to successfully encapsulate and market herbal dietary supplements on a commercial basis. Enrich International was sold to Royal Numico in 1999, and merged with Rexall Showcase in 2001 to become Unicity Network.

Unicity Network was purchased by internal management in 2003 and was renamed Unicity International, Inc. Today, Unicity is a networking marketing company with a strong presence in more than 30 countries around the


Why You Have To Attend Conventions If You Want Success

Often “newbies” have the question / objection “Why should I attend a convention, it cost time and money”.
The reason is simple, we at Business From Home do not know any MLM, Network Marketing / Direct Selling professional or Top Earner who reached the top ranks without attending conventions.
My own first convention in 1993 in the USA, New Orleans (I was flying in from the Netherlands) blow me away. “Wow 6,000 people all with the same dream, I was not the only one!”
You want to see / meet leadership both from the field as the corporate executives, you need the positive ambiance to strenghten your belief system, you want to meet succesfull people, hear the stories from other distributors. You will come back with a much better understanding of the company, its products and the business model.
You will have a great time at your convention, and time will fly by fast.
But don’t just go there to “see how it is” or to “check things out.”
You invested good money and time away from your family to be at the convention, so make sure you maximize the experience and get as much from it as you can.
How do you get the