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Per year, the Business For website receives  3.5 – 4 million unique visitors from all over the world with the majority being Network Marketing professionals with approximately 25% visiting the website looking for a new or additional opportunities.
On average the website is serving 12,000 – 15,000+ visitors per day, with all time daily highs of 70,000 visitors when “Breaking News” occurs or Poll voting takes place.
Therefore adding a company to the Direct Selling database is very important.


Yevo Officially Launched In The USA

Yevo, based in Utah, USA is a new major MLM company which is officially launced. Co-founder and master distributor is Jason Domingo, former master distributor of LifeVantage.
The corporate team looks strong with David Brown at the helmet as CEO. He speaks fluent Japanese, was the CEO of Life Vantage and maintained a 300% per year growth rate there. David Brown also helped open 40 countries for Noni (Morinda) and Asian Development Executive Management.
Yevo could very well be a great opportunity for many as capital and experience was brought in right from the start.
 According to the new website:
“Yevo starts with healthy foods, fresh from nature. We use things like oats, milk, apples and flaxseeds. hese foods contain some of the essential nutrients, but not all of them.
Next, we figure out what is missing. Our goal is to provide you with all the 43 essential nutrients you need in just two Yevo meals. We add the missing essential nutrients to the fresh foods we started with”
Yevo’s compensation plan provides three financial opportunities.
Customer Acquisition, through sharing Yevo with others, you can acquire customers who regularly purchase and consume Yevo’s products. You will earn a portion of these sales every month.
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