Hot Business News Today

How To Explain Direct Selling – MLM To A Business Man Or Woman

If you want to team up with a person for a Direct Selling / MLM / Network Marketing opportunity who has a business mind then it is much smarter to explain first the Direct Selling Industry and its pro’s and con’s then to jump right on your specific opportunity.
If you give business opportunity meetings, on-line or off-line, in our experience 95% of your audience has no clue about direct selling and the power of it.
Explaining the industry first take often away the “Pyramid” objection, as business minded people will understand a $200 Billion, 60 years+ market, with 100+ million distributors can not be build on “wet sand”.
Direct selling is a dynamic, vibrant, rapidly expanding channel of distribution for the marketing of products and services directly to consumers.
The strength of direct selling


WOR(l)D Global Network Celebrates Its 4th Birthday In Moscow

WOR(l)D Global Network choose Moscow to celebrate last week its 4 years of activity.
Today, with 350,000 distributors in over 100 countries, the company led by Fabio Galdi is attracting considerable media attention as a leader in the mobile and wearable technology market.
Employing the brightest minds and best professionals worldwide, WOR(l)D constantly invest in great ideas and highly motivated people. Every WOR(l)D product reflects passion for research, innovation and environmental responsibility.
Founded in 2011, WOR(l)D is now recognized as a leading player in the drive towards a more economically stable, socially connected, “greener” world. Leveraging a new business paradigm, WOR(l)D seeks to transcend every social and economic boundary. Using innovative products and a proven, direct selling business model, WOR(l)D is helping people around the globe to transform their lives and their livelihoods.
As Fabio


Synergy Worldwide Sales Up 18,3%

Synergy worldwide shared on their blog that they are celebrating another record year: 
“We are proud to announce that during the 2014 fiscal year, Synergy experienced record-breaking growth! Synergy’s sales dramatically increased by approximately 18.3% according to Nature’s Sunshine Products’ fiscal year-end report—an accomplishment that can be attributed Synergy’s leadership and Team Members all over the world.
Synergy’s Japan and South Korea markets had an especially monumental year, and much of Synergy’s success in 2014 is owed to their teams’ incredible efforts.
Synergy’s Team Members are the lifeblood of the company and we are proud to have shared this year with such talented and hard-working individuals. Every successful year with Synergy is made possible by the daily business dealings of its Team Members in the field who are spreading Synergy’s vision of superior health,


Jeunesse Climbs To No. 38 On DSN Global 100 List With $419 Million In Sales

Jeunesse Climbs to No. 38 on DSN Global 100 List with $419 Million in Sales. Ranks No. 19 among top 50 North American Direct Selling Companies
Jeunesse Global was named number 38 on the Direct Selling News’ Global 100 List, as well as number 19 on DSN’s inaugural North America 50 list. The company’s continued rise to the top of the direct selling industry follows another impressive year of growth, with 2014 global sales revenue reaching $419 million.
Jeunesse was also recognized as one of only 10 companies to maintain $100 million in sales revenue growth over the previous year. The youth enhancement and healthy living company continues to experience unprecedented growth, with sales in the first quarter of 2015 closing at just under $180 million — a more than 150 percent increase over