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FTC Charges Vemma To Be An $200 Million iIlegal Pyramid Scheme

The FTC lawsuit against Vemma has been published and this are the allegations: illigal pyramid scheme, Income claims, Failure to disclose, Means and instrumentalities, Relief defendent.
The FTC was granted a court order to freeze the company’s and CEO B.K. Boreyko’s assets as well as a temporary restraining order.
“Defendants are running a global pyramid scheme that has likely victimized hundreds of thousands or millions of consumers”  the FTC said in court filings released to the public Tuesday.
It is a direct attack on the MLM – network marketing industry. If Vemma is closed down, a lot of network marketing companies with a simular model in the USA are in deep trouble.
The FTC names Vemma Nutrition Company, Vemma International Holdings, B. K. Boreyko, and Tom Alkazin as defendants.Tom Alkazin’s wife, Bethany Alkazin is named as a