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BK Boreyko – Vemma CEO Statement on FTC Pyramid Charges Case

BK Boreyko, Vemma CEO stated today on his Facebook:
“Hello Vemma faithful:
Just wanted to clear up a couple of phone calls I’ve received about moving to other companies. Although I know there’s panic out there, I want you to hear it from me…hang tight.
We have a hearing scheduled for September 3rd.
I think we’ll win. Until then, I know you want to do the best for your teams and that’s a sign of great leadership.
I will and have always complied with the court’s order in this matter. I’m the kind of guy that would never violate the terms of that order. If you hear anything different, tell them you talked to me and I said buckle up because there’s great things ahead for Vemma!
About Vemma
Founded in 2004 by BK Boreyko and


Vemma’s Defense Shields up – Asking For Testimonials

Kevin Thompson, the MLM attorney is hired by Vemma as one of their attorney’s and he requests Vemma customers and affiliates to help with Vemma’s defense.
As one of the voices in the Direct Selling industry, we are glad to help this company, which is under sieg, and we would do so for any other company
There is a file to fill in for satisfied Vemma customers and affiliates to give their honest opinion about the products and other experiences.
It helps tremendous in Vemma’s defense against the FTC Charge.
In below video Kevin Thompson explains:

Kevin Thompson says:
“The instructions are included in the video.
#1 Get the word file here:…/sd950goq8c9jdlluteyhquu6gh…
#2 Complete your affidavit, get it notarized. Be sure to delete the highlighted fields. Those are there to get you started. The affidavit needs to be