Hot Business News Today

How to spring clean your digital space to become more productive

Originally written by Dorothy Spira on Small Business
Spring is traditionally when we think about tidying up and decluttering at home, which makes it the ideal time to also tackle putting our work life in order as well. But tidying and decluttering your digital space is just as important as decluttering your physical living space.
Over the last year there has been a huge increase in the use of connected digital devices due to the pandemic and lockdowns. And the more we use digital space (e.g. when working online from home), the more “virtual clutter” we create. This is bad news because virtual clutter distracts us, slows us down and makes us less productive.
Productivity is already a burning issue for UK companies. Recent research shows that the country’s productivity levels are 16 per cent below the average for the other members of the G7 group of industrial nations (ONS survey). The 2021 Budget also saw UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak announce a new £520m Help to Grow scheme to help small businesses increase their productivity.
>See also: Four-day week – how it could boost your small business
So how can you best tackle this issue? We’ve put together the below tips to give you step-by-step


Mark Wright: ‘You say crazy stuff to be entertaining on The Apprentice’

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Welcome to Small Business Snippets, the podcast from Today’s guest is Mark Wright – entrepreneur, TV personality and winner of The Apprentice in 2014.
We talk about work-life balance and maintaining a strong online presence for your business post lockdown.
Listen to it in the media player below.

You can also catch our episodes with:

Entrepreneur and campaigner, Paul Lindley
Managing director of Brompton Bikes, Will Butler-Adams
Businessman and author, Gerald Ratner
Entrepreneur and TV presenter, Trinny Woodall
Pub owner and bartender on Channel 4’s First Dates, Merlin Griffiths
Founder and chairman of Pimlico (formerly Pimlico Plumbers), Charlie Mullins
Retail expert and former Dragon, Theo Paphitis
Author and boardroom expert, John Tusa
Digital guru and investor, Sherry Coutu
Entrepreneur and former Dragon, Rachel Elnaugh
Businesswoman and Dragon, Deborah Meaden
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2005 candidate, Tim Campbell
Gousto CEO, Timo Boldt
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2018 candidate, Jackie Fast
Investor and former Dragon, Piers Linney
Investment fund manager, Nicola Horlick
Supermodel turned entrepreneur, Caprice

We’ve got podcast episodes from the first series looking at:

How one business owner’s mental breakdown caused her to see trolls from her past
How one entrepreneur hired a videographer to track their every move and build their business brand
How funding a business led one entrepreneur to stress-related alopecia
One entrepreneur’s first