Todd And Shannon Varvel Achieve Highest Rank At LifeWave

Todd Varvel  and Shannon Varvel, achieved Senior Presidential Director at LifeWave in only 9 months after deciding This Is It! With 14 years of experience in network marketing they are building a team by helping people win in all areas of life.
LifeWave found the Varvel’s when they truly needed it the most. Searching for a company with a stand-alone product, a positive culture, and powerful compensation plan, Todd and Shannon found their fit with LifeWave and Steve and Gina Merritt’s  THIS IS IT Team. The Varvel’s praise the X39 patented, wearable device as the best product they have encountered in network marketing, emphasizing its exclusive technology and supportive community involved.

“We are still absolutely blown away at what has transpired over the last 14 months. Because of the LifeWave opportunity, combined with the proven, THIS IS IT System, we are more excited now than we have ever been in our lives about the possibilities that we see and the ability to help people win in a big way here is real and is extremely rewarding.”

Todd shares.
Todd and Shannon were teachers for many years but after blending a family with five kids realized they needed a side income. They found this


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