QNET Focuses On Leveraging Technology To Build Strong, Sustainable, Post-Pandemic Economies

The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations released its 2020/2021 Annual Report, in which Chairman Roger Barnett calls on direct selling companies to reimagine, reinvent, and redefine the role and contribution of our industry for the next decade.
QNET is ready to meet this challenge. As millions around the world rebuild their livelihoods and economies after the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, QNET believes that the direct selling industry stands in a unique position to help our communities not only recover from the damage of the past two years, but to build a stronger, more inclusive, and more sustainable post-COVID economy for us all.
A Digital Transformation
For many, the pandemic increased the presence of technology in their lives. Many turned to social media, video calls, and messaging apps to stay connected with friends and loved ones, while e-commerce provided access to goods and services as many bricks-and-mortar stores were forced to close.
From its founding as the first direct selling company to go 100% online in 1998, QNET has established a solid reputation as a digital pioneer. The company was an early adopter of digital currencies like Bitcoin, making its products and opportunities more accessible to more people. And it is a leading


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