Rockstars Achieve Career High At Velovita

True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know others. Tracy Laughard, Bri Skvarce, and Kena Smith were not acquainted before starting their Velovita ventures.
Yet, each of these three influential women shared the same vision and are now on a similar path: to help team members build and succeed.
As a result of relentless hard work and unyielding dedication, each of them has achieved their highest levels of success in their careers to date at Velovita; most Members on their respective and separate teams, highest monthly team sales totals, the highest number of customers, and career highs in income.
That’s not all; they are all now included in a prestigious and exclusive group of global top leaders – Rock Star Elite!
Kena Smith shared,
“This rank wasn’t necessarily something I set my sights out for when first joining Velovita. However, it’s a direct reflection of how many lives I’ve had a small part in touching and how many leaders I’ve been able to empower to do the same.”
When asked why Velovita was the key to her success, Tracy Laughard shared,
“So many things! Having a unique product that is simple and that people love is a huge


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