Georgie Alvarez & Yonfer Rojas Achieve Royal Diamond Rank At BE

Some would say Georgie Alvarez and Yonfer Rojas were an unlikely pair. Others would say they’re the perfect team-up of opposites. These two opposites are an inspiring example of how people from different backgrounds can work together to achieve success.
Georgie Alvarez began his career in the network marketing industry at a very young age, showing a lot of talent and even more promise.
By the time he was 20 years old, he was already earning $8,000 a month, selling weight loss products, and managing a team. By 2010, he was already able to fly 87 members of his team to Dubai for the very first time.
Yonfer Rojas’s life was the complete opposite. He decided early on as a child that he would become a doctor. As he was studying medicine, he discovered the field of network marketing. Just like Georgie, Yonfer took to it naturally, immediately reaping results.
He did that for 2 years, then decided to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor, so he redirected his focus back to medicine for the next four years. After earning the title of M.D. in 2017, Yonfer immediately went back to network marketing.
Once again, he found success, but he felt it was lacking.


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