Skylar Lambert Achieves Legend Rank At Arieyl

According to an Arieyl Press release:
Arieyl is thrilled to recognize Skylar Lambert for reaching the rank of Legend in her first month.
Skylar began her network marketing adventure in college while studying to become a teacher and working as a waitress.
At only 33 years old and already a top leader with nine years experience in direct sales, Skylar immediately said “YES” when her dear friends approached her about helping them launch a very different type of MLM.
Her incredible work ethic, exceptional leadership, and deep desire to bring heart back into the industry secured Skylar’s Black Diamond rank with 80,000 QV in sales her first week and ending her first month at the rank of Legend with over 200,000 QV in sales making her number 1 in the newly formed Arieyl.
“What an incredible honor it is. Number 1. I always remember looking up to someone like that thinking, if only they used this number for good. It’s a position of influence and one I will never take lightly.
I know the power behind that title comes with a huge responsibility in leadership to the field; and all of our experiences leading up to this was a stepping stone to prepare me to


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