8 ways to make your small business more disability aware

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
With lockdown measures easing, many small businesses are busy preparing to welcome back customers over the coming months. With social contact restrictions still in place, however, it won’t quite be “business as normal.” Businesses will need to think creatively about how they entice customers.
Enticing old customers
Premises will still need to meet strict Covid-safe conditions when they reopen but it’s a start, and customers are just as excited to be back – and spending their money again – as businesses are to serve them.
The Eat Out to Help Out Scheme, which ran in August 2020, may have had its critics, but the huge rise in table reservations – a 53 per cent increase on the same period in 2019 – shows the eagerness of the public to get back to purchasing goods and services again.
There is a lot of lost time to make up for and businesses will need to think creatively about how to entice back old customers to their premises and services, whilst attracting in new customer groups, as well.
>See also: What are the benefits of agile working? – a small business guide
Attracting disabled customers
Disabled customers are a group most often overlooked


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