Most banks are not allowing small businesses to open bank accounts

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Many banks have stopped accepting new applications for business bank accounts since the coronavirus pandemic surged in the UK.
This is predominantly down to increased demand for government-backed emergency loans like Microbusiness Bounce Back Loans and the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans. Banks are focusing on providing these and tending to their existing customers’ most pressing needs.
Which banks are still offering business bank accounts? have spoken to the following banks to find out where they stand on accepting business bank account applications.
HSBC closed applications for new business bank accounts on 30th September.
An HSBC UK spokesperson said: “Since the introduction of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, we have given over £12bn of lending to the UK’s businesses, as part of an overall £20bn package supporting our business and personal customers. As one of the only banks that remained open to applications from all UK businesses since the scheme’s launch, we received a huge level of demand. With the scheme closing on 30 November, we need to focus our resources on fulfilling existing applications. We are no longer accepting new applications for Bounce Back Loans from companies that don’t have an existing HSBC business account and we


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