What winning The Start-Up Series meant for me – Andy Roberts, Weekly10

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Andy Roberts started out as a developer, working with artificial intelligence and machine learning technology throughout his career. Several years later, while managing a team of 50 people, he came up with the idea for his business.
Frustrated by ineffectual annual reviews and anonymous surveys, he put his knowhow into creating Weekly10, an employee engagement and performance software platform measured in weekly sessions.
Companies, particularly those in the legal and accountancy sectors, really took to the software. And in recent months, the accelerated move towards remote working has seen a transformation in clientele for the business.
In February 2019, Andy entered The Start-Up Series competition and he bagged the funding for Weekly10. We caught up with him to learn more about the business and how The Start-Up Series has been invaluable to him.   
The Start-Up Series competition begins again on September 1st 2020. You can register your interest on our pre-registration page.
Tell us about yourself and how you launched Weekly10.
Before Weekly10, I worked across different industries in the software sector.
We were always told by HR and senior management to run performance reviews every year and encourage people to do engagement surveys, but the most


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